Tuesday, 7 August 2012

What Kills Urinary Tract Infection in Cats? Why Your Cat's Feline UTI Keeps Coming Back

Its been two weeks of heck giving your cat antibiotics and your finished up her medication a few days ago. Now you notice that she started back in straining at the litter box during urination. You have a sneaky feeling that your cat still has a feline UTI. You know she is hurting and all you want to know is just "What Kills Urinary Tract Infection In Cats?"

Here's a story of a young 2 year old female cat that represents the frustration and disappointment of treating a feline UTI with traditional methods.

Kittens Cats

A couple of weeks ago this young female cat was going back and forth to the litter box urinating very little every time. There was no blood and she was not crying, but her caregiver knew this wasn't right so off they went to the vet.

What Kills Urinary Tract Infection in Cats? Why Your Cat's Feline UTI Keeps Coming Back

The veterinarian did x-rays and said she is clear of any stones in her bladder or her kidneys so they figured she had a feline UTI. Both cat and "cat mommy" went home with Clavamox, an antibiotic. Both cat and cat mommy struggled with the medication, but they got through it - twice a day for 2 weeks.

During this treatment the cat seemed that she was cured of the cat UTI. They finished the up the antibiotic treatment. Then about a week later the cat was back struggling at the litter box. The feline UTI started in all over again.

Can't you just feel how disappointed and cheated this cat's caregiver felt? After all, there was a big vet bill for xrays and tests. Now her cat was suffering all over after finishing off the antibiotic.

It is not unusual for cats to fall right back into a feline UTI after finishing the antibiotic treatments.

The reason for this is because the antibiotic just suppresses the symptoms of a feline UTI. The concept is that if your cat isn't in as much pain her body will heal. Since it doesn't get to the core of the problem - the real cause of your cat's UTI, the painful urination returns when you stop the antibiotic. This leave's you asking ...

What Kills Urinary Tract Infection In Cats?

Check in with your favorite homeopathic practitioner. You may use natural remedies for your own preventative and recuperative care, but it never occurred to you that there are natural remedies for animals too!

Herbal compounds have had a place in animal husbandry for centuries. There are homeopathic products that are proven to knock out a feline urinary infection in cats. Here's why they work.

First, stress is a major player in promoting a feline UTI. When a cat is under stress, the pH level in her bladder changes. This disruption leaves your cat's bladder susceptible to stones or a feline urinary infection.

Second, now the pH is messed up in your cat's bladder so adding an antibiotic complicates the natural flora in your cat's urinary tract. This makes it unlikely that the pH will return to a normal level during a treatment with Clavamox or something similar.

Try a combination of homeopathic remedies that does the following:

1) Calm your cat and reduce her stress levels
2) Promote a healthy urinary tract and get her bladder pH back to a normal level.

Once you put this in place your cat will heal naturally. Now, this isn't an overnight remedy, but it is what kills urinary tract infection in cats for good. You will notice your cat relaxes with your first treatment using these compounds. It may take a few days before you notice that she's not straining at the litter box. That's when you know she's on her way to recovery.

What Kills Urinary Tract Infection in Cats? Why Your Cat's Feline UTI Keeps Coming Back

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