Aggressive biting in cats is very common problem among cat owners. Cats will bite both when they are playing and when they are upset. You must first determine why your cat is biting you before you will be able to address the problem. If your cat is crouching down with his ears back, tail curled inward, and body tilted away he is frightened. Your cat will probably hiss, lash out and bite when you get near. Another sign is his eyes will dilate he will show his teeth and his hair may stand up on end. This is the sign of a hostile cat, hostility toward humans usually stems from improper treatment and socialization when the kitten was between five and twelve weeks of age. This causes cats to be skittish and easily upset by their human companions.
If you have a kitten pet and touch him all over his body, get him used to being handled by you. Introduce your young kitten to adults, kids, dogs and other cats as much as possible to socialize him properly. When playing with your cat keep it gentle and with toys not your hand or feet. You don't want your kitten growing up thinking it is alright to attack you for any reason.
Kittens Cats
You have an adult that is showing sign of aggression, is it too late? No, you can still train your cat not to bite and develop a trust with him. You will want to start off slowly, when he is calm gently start stroking his head and gradually move down his back. Watch for signs that your cat has had enough, before it gets to the point of getting bit offer him a treat and stop the session. With time he will learn to enjoy being pet.
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