Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Our Funny Cat: "Why Won't He Wake Up to Play With Me?"

Our Funny Cat: "Why Won't He Wake Up to Play With Me?" Video Clips. Duration : 1.45 Mins.

Hey Everybody! Someone has nominated this video for the Internet Cat Video Film Festival! If you would like to nominate it as well, you can fill out the form at docs.google.com and enter in the share link! We sure would be grateful for those of you who take your time! There are 3 spaces for 3 different videos, so get the links of all your top 3 faves! Bubblegum, our funny cat-child, loves his human daddy so much. He sits and stares, waiting patiently for playtime. But why does Daddy have to sleep so much?? Bubbles says Goodbye at the end in "Catonese."

Tags: cat, funny cat, Cats, Cute, Kitty, Our, Kittens, Pets, talking cat, speaks

Monday, 30 July 2012

Puppet and Puff! (Cat loves Bearded Dragon)

Puppet and Puff! (Cat loves Bearded Dragon) Tube. Duration : 0.57 Mins.

Tags: cat, bearded, dragon, love, kitten, cute, puppet, puff, cuddle, animal, lizard

Cat Scratch Disease - My Cat Just Scratched Me, What Do I Do?

Cat scratch disease is also known as cat scratch fever. This disease strikes people who are infected by the Bartonella henselae bacteria. In almost all cases, cat scratch disease occurs when the person was scratched or bitten by his cat. The cat itself does not catch cat scratch disease. It is just a carrier. Now, before you panic and send your cat to the pound, the National Center for Infectious Diseases (CDC) estimates that 40% of all cats carry this disease at some time in their lives. Considering how many cat owners exist in the world, clearly, this disease is not very infectious or dangerous.

But how do you know whether you were infected by cat scratch disease? The first thing you want to look at is the place your cat bit or scratched you. Is the wound infected? (Note: If you cannot find the wound, then you do not have cat scratch disease.) Then you want to check your lymph nodes. Are the nodes around your head, neck and upper limbs swollen? Do you also have fever, headache, fatigue, and a poor appetite? These are the typical cat scratch fever symptoms.

Kittens Cats

What can you do? The first step is always preventative. If you own a cat, or play with cats, you will definitely get bitten or scratched. What you should do every time you get scratched is simply to clean the wound with soap and running water. Then clean it with an antiseptic like peroxide and apply an antibiotic cream (neosporin works pretty well). Just applying these basic hygiene practises will prevent most cases of infection from cat bites or scratches, not just cat scratch disease.

Cat Scratch Disease - My Cat Just Scratched Me, What Do I Do?

What if you have already been infected - your wound is swollen and reddish, your lymph nodes are swollen and you have a fever? Then just go to your doctor. He will probably give you an antibiotic, and maybe drain the wound if necessary. You should also send your cats to the vet. Let him make sure they are not still carrying the bacteria. Otherwise they may infect you again, or infect other people.

In the long run, you need to train your cats not to bite or scratch too hard. Your cats need to learn how to show affection without drawing blood from you. And you need to learn not to provoke or over-excite your cats.

Provided that you are not the one who provoked the cat scratch, you can spray kitty with water every time it bites or scratches you. This means you will need to carry around a spray bottle with you at home. Spray kitty consistently when it bites you, and it will learn to stop biting you. Remember to spray when it bites - not 30 seconds later, or 1 minute later, or 5 minutes later. It will only learn if your response is immediate. Too many people spray only after the cat scratched or bit, then they complain that the technique does not work.

If your cat tends to bite or scratch you during playtime, then you need a different approach. Play with your cat normally. When he bites or scratches you, stop playing and ignore him. Too many people just continue playing - unfortunately, this teaches kitty that biting or scratching is good.

As you can see, cat scratch disease is not a big deal. As long as you practice basic hygiene, and train your cat not to bite or scratch too much, everything should be alright.

Cat Scratch Disease - My Cat Just Scratched Me, What Do I Do?

Most Innocent Kitten Alive - The Original (India - 07.25.11)

Most Innocent Kitten Alive - The Original (India - 07.25.11) Tube. Duration : 2.27 Mins.

Darling 5 week old Shaded Golden Persian kitten hamming it up for the camera.

Keywords: playful, cute, kitty, kitties, kitteh, cats, fuzzy, fluffy, furry, Persian cats, Persian kittens, gato, pets, Mythicbells, kittens, adorable, chat, katze, CFA, pedigree cats, Molly Barr, shaded golden Persian, shaded silver Persian, doll face Persian cat, doll face Persian kitten, calico, tabby, cuteoverload, cricket, india, gecko, Chewbacca, innocent, feline, кошка, котенок, هرة, صغيرة, قط, 貓小貓子猫猫chaton, tea cup Persians, кот

Natural Balance Alpha Grain-Free Chicken, Turkey Meal, and Duck Formula for Cats, 10-Pound Bag

List Price : $33.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Grain-free diet, contains no wheat, barley, rice, or corn
  • Contains essential amino acids to help maintain strong muscles
  • Unique blend of fresh, high quality proteins

Sunday, 29 July 2012


FLUFFY BABY KITTENS! | FleurDeVlog Video Clips. Duration : 4.70 Mins.

**PLEASE EXPAND THIS BOX FOR MORE INFO!** Thanks for watching everyone! Please SUBSCRIBE to this channel to see more of the Kittens! :D You can also follow me on Twitter: http:www.twitter.com/fleurdeforce ...Follow WOOF on Twitter! www.twitter.com Check out my blog: fleurdeforce.blogspot.com ...and my beauty channel www.youtube.com Disclaimer: The kittens aren't paying me in anything but cuddles :D

Tags: fluffy, baby, kittens, fleurdevlog, fleur de vlog, fleurdeforce, fleur de force, pet, woof, cute, cat, beauty, makeup, shopping, haul, house, tour, kitchen, tutorial, eyeshadow, cosmetics, english, british, farm, cats

Catit Jumbo Hooded Cat Litter Pan - Warm Gray

List Price : $45.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Provides your cat with privacy while retaining their litter inside the pan
  • Large hood lifts up for easy access for cleaning
  • Carbon filter works to remove odors
  • Perfect for multi-cat households
  • Measures 22 inches long, 17 inches wide and 18 inches tall; Door opening measures 10.4 inches by 9.6 inches

Saturday, 28 July 2012

How-To Tame & Breed Cats Ocelot In Minecraft 1.2.5 HD 12w28a

How-To Tame & Breed Cats Ocelot In Minecraft 1.2.5 HD 12w28a Tube. Duration : 2.90 Mins.

How-To Tame/Breed Ocelots (Cats) in Minecraft. At the moment this seems to only work in Single-Player. See us fail at doing it in Multi-Player (SMP) www.youtube.com To install on Mac; You need to go to; hard-drive/users/YOURNAME/library/application support/minecraft/bin Then backup Minecraft.jar and replace it with the new one downloaded from here; gamereuphoria.com This video will show you; How-To tame Ocelots in Minecraft (Cats) How-To breed Ocelots in Minecraft (Cats) How-To Spawn Ocelots How-To fail at playing Minecraft Enjoy #DoneyKebab ::::::::LiNKS:::::::: Minecraft 1.1; www.youtube.com Dead Island Craft Playlist; www.youtube.com The Big Monster Run Playlist; www.youtube.com ProTips With The M1neTube Playlist; www.youtube.com m1netube.wordpress.com Minecraft Beta 1.9 Update Playlist; www.youtube.com M1neTube; www.youtube.com www.Twitter.com m1netube.wordpress.com DoneyKebab; www.youtube.com www.Twitter.com Mangler112; www.youtube.com www.Twitter.com R0BBIKAI www.youtube.com www.Twitter.com

Keywords: yt:quality=high, 12w28a, Minecraft, snapshot, 'How-to, tame, cats, in, minecraft', howto, breen, ocelots, breed, mate, reed, cat, ocelot, kitten, kitty, blood, frustrating, fish, 'raw, fish', cute, lol, lulz, fail, instruction, mt, smp, single-player, bug, glitch, Kittens, 12w04a, m1netube, mintube, mincraft, doneykebab, mangler112, Epic, 1.2.3, 12w19a

Cat Eye Disorders


Seventy-five percent of eye tumors in the cat are malignant, aggressive forms of cancer (in dogs the ratio is reversed, 75 percent of tumors are benign and do not spread or become life-threatening). An Iris melanoma is the most common type of tumor affecting cat's eyes. Older cats may develop a visible brown or black spot on the iris of their eye. The Iris is the colored part of the eye. The spots may be single or multiple and are pigmented cells called Melanocytes that have overgrown. Examination involves the use of a slit-lamp biomicroscope, which determines whether or not the tumor is cancerous. If the pigmented area on the iris is flat, the lesion is referred to as an Ins Melanosis. This is considered to be pre-cancerous and is rechecked at six-month intervals.

Kittens Cats


Cat Eye Disorders

Iris melanoma is also called Melanosis and/or Melanocytoma. Iris melanoma is the term used if the pigmented area on the iris is raised. This is a cancerous lesion. Treatment involves using a diode laser to destroy the cancer cells. Without treatment, Iris melanoma is generally result in Glaucoma. Glaucoma occurs because the cancer cells spread and obstruct the drainage angle of the eye, which is where the fluid within the eye normally drains. Since fluid can not drain from the eye, it builds up within the eye which increases pressure within the eye and causes Glaucoma. In dogs, Glaucoma rapidly results in blindness due to irreversible damage to the retina.

The only sign of Glaucoma in cats may be a slight difference in the size of the pupils which are the dark central area of the eye. Surgical removal of the eye, which is called Enucleation, is often necessary in advanced cases of Ins Melanoma. This alleviates the pain of Glaucoma and removes the cancerous mass.


Retinal Degeneration is an inherited condition in Abyssinian cats. It occurs between four to six years of age and results in blindness. A dietary deficiency of the amino acid Taurine can also occur in cats fed primarily dog food which results in Nutritional Retinal Degeneration. This condition was first described in 1975 and was called Feline Central Retinal Degeneration (FCRD). Commercial cat foods are now fortified with Taurine to prevent this problem.

Cat Eye Disorders

Hill's Science Diet Kitten Healthy Development Original Dry Cat Food - 7-Pound Bag

List Price : $24.58

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Technical Details
  • Ideal levels of high quality lean protein for kittens in their first year of life
  • Taurine to help promote healthy development of vital organs
  • High quality ingredients including gentle fibers to support gentle, healthy digestion
  • Natural DHA from high quality fish oil supports healthy brain and eye development
  • Vitamin C + E helps promote a healthy immune function

Merrick Cowboy Cookout Canned Cat & Kitten Food (3.2 oz. (24 in case))

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Perzische black chinchilla poes/ persian cat

Perzische black chinchilla poes/ persian cat Video Clips. Duration : 3.10 Mins.

Keywords: persian, perzische poes, cat, kitten

Child Growth and Development Stages - Milestones for Your Kid

Every mother knows very well about child growth and development stages before the baby turns one year old. She knows when her baby must hold his head, at how many months he will sit up straight, etc. The situation changes when he reaches the age of 1 year. Not many parents can confidently say at what age their child has to start riding a bicycle or tying his shoes. In this article I would like to touch on the subject of milestones for child development and answer the most common question parents may have.

The first thing to remember is that development of each child is very individual. The skills that a kid has developed by certain age may be at different levels, than those that are widely accepted as normal. If your child is not falling behind more than a couple of months in developing one or more skills, then there is nothing to be concerned about. Some babies that were born prematurely may slightly fall behind in development, compared to those who were born on time. However, if you notice that your baby's development delayed more than a few months, and he has some other disturbing symptoms such as pronouncing very few sounds or too rarely, then parent must seek professional help.

Kittens Cats

The following is the list of the milestones of child development. This is by no means a complete description of developmental stages, but still it can give you an idea of levels of child development.

Child Growth and Development Stages - Milestones for Your Kid

1 year (12-14 months)

By this age a child usually walks or makes 2-3 steps without any support. He confidently sits up and stands up straight, puts the toys into a box, puts the building blocks on top of each other. They respond to simple words without gestures, such as "give me", "take it", etc. Besides the words "mom" and "dad" a kid may pronounce additional one to six simple words. Children at this age babble a lot.

Even in this young age you can start teaching letters and numbers, colors and shapes. Don't think that it's too early. Even if the complete understanding of these concepts comes to your child much later, the information still gets recorded in his brain. Such education definitely must not be intrusive, though. It should be enjoyable by using simple toys and pictures. Only if child enjoys the process, there is going to be a progress in learning.

1.5 years old (16-18 months)

At this age children walk and run very well. They love to climb the stairs, drink from a cup, and do some other simple stuff. Your child may try to eat on his own using a spoon. He understands some simple phrases, can point to nose, mouth and eyes on his doll. He can pick up a fallen toy without losing the balance. He or she expresses emotions such as love, pleasure, excitement by making sounds. They have a favorite toy and prefer to play with it. Children at this age can speak at least 15 words. If your baby is used to pacifier, it is time to get rid of it. By this age a pacifier does no harm, however if it is used up to the age of 3 or even 4 years, it may cause some speech problems.

First chores in their life appear at this age. It is a good idea to start teaching a child to keep his room clean, put away his toys, once he is done playing, and put away his dirty clothes into the laundry basket. In the beginning he will need your help. However, you will be surprised how quickly they learn. As they grow, keep adding more chores, such as watering flowers, wiping off the spills, making their beds.

First visit to dentist must be made about 6 months after the first tooth has appeared. After that visit, it is recommended to visit a dentist once every 6 month, especially if a child has any sort of problems with teeth.

First bicycle can be bought at this age. Children my not be ready to push the pedals, however they will still enjoy, if you will help them to a bicycle while they are sitting on it, even without pushing the pedals.

2 years old

At this age children run and jump very well. They can build a tower using 4-6 building blocks, throw and kick a ball, "feed" their own dolls. A child has the ability to walk upstairs and downstairs safely, knows his name and speaks of himself in third person. He points to his own nose, mouth and eyes, can take off a few items of his clothes. At this age kids speak about 15-50 words (even significant deviations from these numbers are common). Child learns to control his bladder and bowl movements.

At this age the "first artwork" may appear. Hand-vision coordination improves significantly. Therefore, many kids love to draw, paint, build the structures using building blocks, make up pictures using simple puzzles.

It is time to bring a new bed for a child. At this age they try to climb out and jump of their cribs, which can be dangerous. If you want to introduce a pet into your house, it is a good time to bring fish in aquarium. Kids will love to observe life in water. However, it is too early to buy them a puppy or a kitten, since they don't completely understand how to be careful with such pets. It is better to wait until they become 3-4 years old, before adopting a dog or a cat.

3 years old

Children at 3 years typically dress and undress themselves (with different levels of success). They can ride a tricycle, understand and respond to more complex requests (such as "please pick up a scoop of sand and put it into your bucket "). They construct phrases using 4-5 words. They use pronouns like "I", "you", etc.

A child by this age is usually potty trained, however, occasionally he still can wet and soil their underwear, but it's acceptable. This is also is the most important time for speech development. Don't forget to teach him new songs and short poems. Try to read him more books, describing pictures in a book in greater details.

4 years old

Children at this age control their body quite well. They become experts in zipping and unzipping their clothes. They have already learned to use spoon and fork. It is quite ordinary, if a chubby baby turns into а lanky kid. Most kids lose their baby fat by this age, and in a few years it will be replaced by muscles. Height and weight of a child must grow evenly. If weight is growing faster than height then your child may be gaining excess weight. In this case pay close attention to his hips and forearms. If fat is folding there, then you might want to restructure his diet by including healthier food. It is also very helpful to engage him into physically active games. If a for-year old kid did not grow much in 6 month you might want to seek doctor's consultation. There is a small percentage of kids who may lack growth hormone.

Four-year old children may have up to 1000 words in their vocabulary. They are able to build phrases using 6-8 words and their speech is pretty much understood by people outside of the family.

At this age children are usually ready to learn to tie and untie their shoes. You can use shoes on Velcro, however if you teach your kid tie and untie the shoe laces, it will develop the fine motor skills very quickly. You can also start teaching him to swim at this age. You can start even earlier, of course. But at the age of 4 they are completely ready and have necessary skills developed to start their swimming lessons.

These are the child growth and development stages, and some common milestones for children up to age 4. Again, if you notice your child is falling behind a little bit, don't fret too much about it. Remember that every child is unique and has his individual schedule of development.

Child Growth and Development Stages - Milestones for Your Kid

Friday, 27 July 2012

Jackie the fluffy cat loves attention

Jackie the fluffy cat loves attention Video Clips. Duration : 1.03 Mins.

This is how Jackie gets his attention. :) He does it everyday!

Tags: cat, cats, kitten, kittens, cute cat, fluffy, funny, ask for attention, turkish van, love meow, funny cat, まる, 猫, ねこ, jackie

Cat soothing crying baby to sleep - too cute!

Cat soothing crying baby to sleep - too cute! Video Clips. Duration : 1.67 Mins.

Our cat Stewie helps put our new baby Connar to sleep... cutest bit is right at the end!

Tags: baby, cat, sleeping, crying, soothing, kiss, funny, cute, tender, Sleep, basement, amazing, Cuteness, loving, parenting, aaron, Connar, Stewie, Cats, Kitty, Kitten, Kittens, Gato, faz, Carinho, em, Bebê, que, Não, Parava, de, Chorar, Muito, Bom, Viral, adorable, paw, petting, beautiful, Laughing, Blue, Meow, lick, bed, night, closed

Welcome to Kitty City

Welcome to Kitty City Tube. Duration : 1.82 Mins.

Please drive carefully Music is available here: www.cyriak.co.uk And some gifs from the video can be found here: cyriak.co.uk Enjoy

Tags: cyriak, cat, kitten, town, mutating, bouncing, maggot, creatures

Innova Cat & Kitten Food - 24x3 oz

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Technical Details
  • 24/3-oz cans

Thursday, 26 July 2012

What Makes Cats Sneeze and How Can I Cure it Without a Trip to the Vet?

Cats sneeze for many different reasons. Much like humans, domesticated animals get affected by the world around us. When a cat sneezes frequently, it could be due to air pollution, a bad diet, an unhealthy lifestyle or stress. Just as there are cures for human's sneezing and other cold symptoms, there are natural, safe treatments to help when your cat sneezes frequently.

If you've ever said, "My cat is miserable and sneezing. What can I do to help her?" you have basically two options for treatment. A vet can help, but this could cost you a few hundred dollars, and you have to put little Fluffy through trauma. You do not want to see your buddy shot, manhandled and scared.

Kittens Cats

The downside to this type of cat sneezing treatment is three-fold. Cost, your cat's discomfort and the danger of side effects from conventional medicines are all concerns you have to face if going the vet route. Fortunately, there is a second vet-free option when your cats sneeze.

What Makes Cats Sneeze and How Can I Cure it Without a Trip to the Vet?

Holistic veterinarians and some animal health care professionals actually blame our commercial pet foods and annual vaccinations as contributing to our pets' diseases and sickness. Some animal activists actually think the problem is worse than that. Pet expert and author C J Puotinen sites them as a major cause in our pets' chronic illness and sickness.

Especially when involving kittens, older cats and pregnant cats, natural cat sneezing cures provide a safe, inexpensive answer. These cats have an immune system that is not as strong as a healthy adult cat's.

When a wild feline sneezes frequently in the wild, he seeks natural grasses and herbs to eat to cure himself. When a pet gets sick he needs you to provide his cure. A cat or kitten sneezes chronically when its sickness has accelerated, and if not treated quickly, this infection can move into the lungs and threaten his life.

A natural, chemical-free cat nasal infection and sneezing cure is safe, easy to apply, and costs a fraction of the price of a vet. Antibiotics take time to work, while natural remedies work much faster. Consider a healthy, safe and all-natural, veterinarian-free cure the next time your cat sneezes.

What Makes Cats Sneeze and How Can I Cure it Without a Trip to the Vet?

Buying A Cat - How To Learn About A Kitty's History

When buying a cat you know that the environment they were raised in will determine a lot about the kind of pet they will be. But how do you find out about a kitten or adult cat's "History"?

Sadly it's not as easy as sitting them down and asking... "Tell me about your kittenhood?" As talkative as some cats that's not likely to get you very far.

Kittens Cats

No, learn about a cats past you need to be a bit of a detective. Observe the clues along the way so you'll know you've found a cat you can live happily with for the rest of it's life.

Buying A Cat - How To Learn About A Kitty's History

When you are thinking of bringing a kitten into your life it's learning about their history is relatively easy. All you have to do is ask the owner about their mother and how they've been raised until now.

If you are buying a pedigreed cat from a breeder learning your cat or kittens history is a snap. They will be more than happy to tell you all about both parents. Show you the diet they have been on. Tell you all about the kinds of things being done to socialize the cats. Including the kinds of animals they've been exposed to and the different places they've been.

Note... Cat Fanciers (as cat breeders are called) take socialization to the extreme because when they show cats they need to be used to strangers handling them, plane and car rides as well as being brushed and bathed regularly. When was the last time you bathed your cat? LOL

Cat breeders are also likely to provide cat furniture like cat trees and kitty playgrounds for their kittens to romp on. This is a bonus because these kittens will understand the difference between what's OK to scratch on and what's not. Be sure to ask what kind of play area is provided for the kittens or cats you are considering.

In fact, if you don't ask questions about these things when buying a cat from a reputable breeder may refuse to sell a cat or kitten to you. They are so invested in their animals they will only let them go to homes who care about them as much as they do themselves.

Now, that's not to say that your neighbor or co-worker who has a litter of kittens to place loves them any less or socializes them any less. Heck, a house full of kids running around playing, barking dogs, sniffing bunnies, banging pots and pans, blaring TV's makes for great social skills in a cat too!

Buying A Cat - How To Learn About A Kitty's History

Raising Orphan Kittens by Itty Bitty Orphan Kitty Rescue

Raising Orphan Kittens by Itty Bitty Orphan Kitty Rescue Tube. Duration : 30.73 Mins.

www.ibokrescue.org IBOK Rescue's Pre-Wean Project presents an instructional video on bottle feeding and weaning orphaned baby kittens How to save a kitten IBOK Itty Bitty Orphan Kitty Rescue cat Raising Orphan Kittens by Itty Bitty Orphan Kitty Rescue Pre-wean Project bottle feeding baby kittens weaning orphan kittens IBOK Rescue's Pre-Wean Project presents an instructional video on bottle feeding and weaning orphaned baby kittens

Tags: www.ibokrescue.org, How, to, save, kitten, IBOK, Itty, Bitty, Orphan, Kitty, Rescue, cat, Raising, Kittens, by, Pre-wean, Project, bottle, feeding, baby, weaning, help, Rescue's, presents, an, instructional, video, on, and, orphaned

Cat Adoption Links

If you are considering having a pet and have decided that a cat would be the ideal companion for yourself and your family, the next move is to find a somewhere that will be able to supply you with a fit and healthy, happy and affectionate cat or kitten. Starting your search on the internet is an ideal way of accessing a huge number of websites. Nearly all privately owned and charitable organisations have websites now and there are very few breeders and pet shelters that you cannot look up and research. There are cat adoption links on many of the Government websites too.

One of the best starting points for finding cat adoption links in on the Humane Society of America website at HSUS dot org, as here you know that you will be pointed in the right direction when it comes to the welfare of the animals. You know that you can rely on them for good advice and sound referrals.

Kittens Cats

Petfinder dot com is one of the cat adoption links that the Humane Society gives. On this site you will not only be able to search through the cats that are up for adoption from them but you will also be able to contact adoption groups in your area and see the pets that they have in their shelters. Like many other sites you will be able to learn a lot about the care of your new pet and they offer advice when it comes to adopting. You will find out what will be expected of you as a new parent to a cat or a kitten and what you can expect in the way of problems when it comes to your new charge settling in.

Cat Adoption Links

Another of the cat adoption links that is available on the site is that of Pet911 dot com, which is similar to Petfinder in that it will go on to link you with other more local shelters and give advice. Both of these sites also have the facility to put you in touch with other pet owners in your area so that you can become part of a community of like minded people and meet and make new friends with the common interest of your pets. You can join clubs and there are even 'fun' pages.

If you are interested in a broader, worldwide picture, the Humane Society gives cat adoption links to such organisations as worldanimalnet dot org. On this site you can find out about pet adoption all over the world as well as news regarding other animal welfare matters. It is very interesting to find out what is happening in other parts of the world with regard to animal adoptions etc.

There are many cat adoption links on the internet and it is possible to spend hours jumping from one website to another. There is much to be learned and a lot of information at your fingertips. There is bound to be the ideal pet for you in one of the many shelters in your area and it you start somewhere like the Humane Society of America you will soon find a link that is suitable for you.

Cat Adoption Links

Natural Treatments Offer Best Hope For Cats With Feline AIDS

Each year, thousands of cats are diagnosed with Feline AIDS, also known as the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus or FIV. This potentially life-threatening disease attacks and impairs the immune system, leaving infected animals vulnerable to a variety of infections. Even a seemingly innocent head cold can pose serious risks for these cats.

The name "Feline AIDS" inspires fear in the hearts of many pet owners. However, this disease is not the same virus that infects humans.

Kittens Cats

FIV is species specific, affecting only cats. Furthermore, it is not easily spread among the feline population. Deep, penetrating bite wounds like those exchanged by un-neutered males during fights are the most common means of transmission, and some evidence suggests that mothers can pass the disease to their unborn kittens. Infected cats can share litter pans and food dishes with their housemates without spreading the disease.

Natural Treatments Offer Best Hope For Cats With Feline AIDS

Because traditional veterinary medicine doesn't offer a "cure" for Feline AIDS, well-meaning veterinarians often recommend euthanasia as a primary course of action. Others attempt to treat infected cats with aggressive courses of prescription drugs, including steroids, interferon, AZT, and antibiotics. This approach is problematic, as each of these medications can produce substantial side effects and further suppress the immune system - the last thing an immune compromised animal can afford.

While medical treatments for Feline AIDS are somewhat limited, natural therapies offer a variety of benefits. Vitamin supplements, homeopathy and herbals, for example, can bolster an ailing cat's immune system, even during the advanced stages of the disease. Most of these products are affordable and available at any health food store.

Comprehensive dietary nutrition is also essential for cats with FIV. Keeping them healthy on a diet of commercial pet food is extremely difficult, as these foods are nutritionally inadequate and laden with harmful colorings, preservatives, and inferior meat sources.

Many holistic practitioners recommend raw meat for cats with Feline AIDS. Some pet owners question the safety of a raw diet, but FIV+ cats frequently thrive on this rich, whole food nutrition. Unlike humans, animals are designed to safely digest raw foods as they would in the wild.

Although natural treatments have proven effective, anyone caring for an FIV+ cat should maintain a good relationship with a skilled medical vet. Immune compromised animals sometimes require IV's, oral cleanings, and other supportive care. Pet owners should exercise caution, however, as some common medical treatments - such as vaccinations - pose a threat to cats with FIV.

Cats receiving natural treatments often enjoy a high quality of life for many years, but there are times when euthanasia is the compassionate choice for animals in the throws of advanced Feline AIDS. The bottom line is that a diagnosis of FIV is not an automatic death sentence.

Natural Treatments Offer Best Hope For Cats With Feline AIDS

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Funny cats in water, EPIC

Funny cats in water, EPIC Tube. Duration : 3.32 Mins.

www.SchneiderYuri.com - my fun blog Music Nicoleta Dara - Is it true. www.youtube.com Compozitor: www.youtube.com Вконтакте vk.com Schneider Yuri's fun snow #6: Water cats

Keywords: epic, funny cats, cat, pool, pets, animals, comedy, water, kitten, animal, kittens, caturday, laugh, accident, crazy, kitty, cute, fail, humor, humour, chipmunk, ninja

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Taxi ram for cats

Taxi ram for cats Tube. Duration : 0.97 Mins.

www.eyenimal.com Catch beautiful scenes from your pet eyes

Keywords: cat, cats, dog, dogs, kitties, lolcats, pet video, wildlife, animal, cute, kitten, kittens, kitty

Blue Buffalo Wilderness Grain Free Dry Cat Food, Chicken Recipe, 12-Pound Bag

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Technical Details
  • Provides the added protection of BLUE’s exclusive LifeSource® Bits, a precise blend of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Includes only the finest natural ingredients and contains NO chicken or poultry by-product meals, artificial preservatives, corn, wheat or soy.
  • A sensible alternative to a raw diet
  • Provides the added protection of BLUE?s exclusive LifeSource® Bits, a precise blend of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Ragdoll Cats: Most Lovely Pets for Your Home

Many among us are fond of pet creatures. They simply make us feel good with their docile and pleasant nature. If I say to choose your favorite pet, you would probably say about a dog. But Ragdoll cats are no less in comparison to dogs. They have lovely features with a soft coat. Their coat and bony structure is also being used for making commodities like fur coats. However here we are talking about bringing an alive pet.

The cats of Ragdoll species are very gentle creatures. They are found in attractive single and bicolor shades. You would definitely like to know advantages of Ragdoll cats. These creatures are less allergic than other pets. You will also be safe from allergic reactions rising from company with pets. Ragdoll kittens are also very lovely and gentle to keep at home. They grow into cats within a time of 4 years.

Kittens Cats

Ragdoll cats need care to be treated. Their health should be maintained with sufficient nutritious food. They need to be fed with moist, semi moist and dry food stuff. If this food is mixed with milk then they would love to eat it. The kittens of Ragdoll cats can be fed with breast milk for first 5 weeks. This milk is very beneficial for their health and body growth. A fully grown male Ragdoll weighs from 15-20 pounds. A fully grown female of this cat species weighs from 10-15 pounds. After some time kittens can also be fed with food rich in fats and proteins. Ragdolls are one of the most adorable pets to keep at home. Today they have become a favorite among many lovers of pet animals. The average life span of this cat is 15 to 25 years. However their age limit may be influenced by some external factors also. Yet these cats have an amiable disposition and you would feel proud to have one of them.

Ragdoll Cats: Most Lovely Pets for Your Home
Ragdoll Cats: Most Lovely Pets for Your Home

Zanies Plastic Lattice Balls Cat Toy Canister, 50-Pack

List Price : $14.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Lattice balls cat toy canister
  • Made of colorful hard plastic
  • An enticing jingle bell inside
  • Canister of 50 toys
  • Measures 7-1/2-inch length by 6-inch height by 6-inch width

CUTE CUDDLY KITTEN (Human version)

CUTE CUDDLY KITTEN (Human version) Tube. Duration : 1.00 Mins.

★LIKE my videos? Share them! bit.ly ►WATCH MORE: bit.ly ☆dragomirnet86 - Cat mom hugs baby kitten: www.youtube.com ►Lance Is Single (Ep.2) ‪‪bit.ly ►Bloopers & Deleted Scenes (Ep.2) ‪bit.ly Filmed by Daniel Carter (roommate) • youtube.com • youtube.com MY LINKS: • Main ‪youtube.com • Daily ‪youtube.com • Alternate youtube.com • Twitter ‪twitter.com • Facebook ‪facebook.com • Dailybooth ‪dailybooth.com • Tumblr ScottKinmartin.tumblr.com • Formspring ‪http • Flickr ‪flickr.com • Funny or Die? funnyordie.com Show intro by Matt Ryan Harris • youtube.com Theme song produced by Robbie Jay • youtube.com TAGS: dragomirnet86 Cat mom hugs baby kitten dragomirnet86 Cat mom hugs baby kitten dragomirnet86 Cat mom hugs baby kitten dragomirnet86 Cat mom hugs baby kitten

Keywords: Cat, mom, hugs, baby, kitten, dragomirnet86, Cat mom hugs baby kitten, Cute Cuddly Kitten, kitteh, cats, cute, kitty, kittens, funny, Husky, dog, laughing, pet, spoof, parody, comedy, sketch, humor, scottkinmartin, scottkinmartintv, scottaminute, daily, vlog, vlogger, daily vlog, daily vlogger, video log, Siberian Husky, puppy, rwj, mattryanharris

Oriental Siamese Cats - Talking to the birds

Oriental Siamese Cats - Talking to the birds Tube. Duration : 3.35 Mins.

My two Oriental Siamese Cats talking and chattering to the birds

Tags: oriental, siamese, cats, talking, chatting, chattering, birds, animals, speak, cat, talk, lolspeak

Blue Buffalo Spa Select Dry Cat Food, Chicken and Brown Rice Recipe, 7-Pound Bag

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Provides the added protection of BLUE?s exclusive LifeSource® Bits, a precise blend of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Includes only the finest natural ingredients and contains NO chicken or poultry by-product meals, artificial preservatives, corn, wheat or soy.
  • A sensible alternative to a raw diet

Nyan Pikachu

Nyan Pikachu Tube. Duration : 3.62 Mins.

God there are 2 things I need: 1. A Life 2. New GIF files .w.

Tags: nyan, cat, pikachu, meow, neko, pokemon, anime, manga, kitty, cats, ash, kitten, rocket, cute, kittens, dawn, misty, may, pocket, brock, pokémon

Funny Cats - Episode 2

Funny Cats - Episode 2 Tube. Duration : 1.32 Mins.

The Funny Cats Show: www.youtube.com Funny Cats: Episode 2 -------- Funny cats very funny cats cat --------------- Music is from E-Dubble - Changed my mind His links: www.facebook.com www.youtube.com itunes.apple.com

Tags: funny cats, funny, cats, very, pics, pictures, video, kitty, lolcats, lol, kitten, cat, kittens

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Tips For Giving Your Cat a Bath

If you are a cat owner, you are probably fully aware of the fact that most cats absolutely hate water. Nonetheless, there may be times when bathing your cat is necessary. Not only do baths keep your cat clean, they may also be needed to remove fleas from your furry friend. While bathing a cat isn't always easy, it is possible with most cats if you follow these tips.

Tip #1: Start Young

Kittens Cats

If you got your cat while it was still a kitten, you should start giving it baths on a regular basis. Ideally, you should bathe your kitten about once per week. By starting when your cat is young, it will be more accustomed to the water. In addition, a younger cat is much easier to handle than an adult. So, by starting young, you can make bath time much simpler after your cat grows and becomes stronger.

Tips For Giving Your Cat a Bath

Tip #2: Remain Calm

Cats can usually sense when their owners are nervous or anxious. So, remain calm when picking up your cat and throughout the bathing process. The more calm you are, the less anxiety your cat will experience. You can also get your cat relaxed and prep it for its bath by coming through its fur before heading to the bathroom.

Tip #3: Get Items Prepared Ahead of Time

Even if you started getting baths to your cat when it was still a kitten, it still probably will not enjoy taking a bath. Therefore, you should try to get the bath over as quickly as possible. One way to do this is to make certain you have your kitty shampoo, towels, and any other items you will need gathered beforehand. You should also make certain the temperature in the bathroom is at a comfortable level so your feline friend doesn't get too cold.

Tip #4: Prepare the Cat and The Water

You can keep your kitty more comfortable by applying eye ointment before putting it in the water. This will help keep soap out of its eyes. If your cat is particularly problematic during bath time, you might also want to consider trimming its claws first. This way, you won't have to worry as much about getting scratched in the process.

You can also expedite the bathing process by adding a non-toxic wetting agent such as Shaklee's Basic H to the water beforehand. With this agent, the water will soak into the coat more quickly, which means you can work up a lather sooner and complete the bathing process as quickly as possible.

Tip #5: Try Again Later if Necessary

With your cat and the bathroom properly prepared, you can now submerge your cat, get its fur wet, and lather the shampoo. You may need to hold your cat down firmly in order to prevent it from jumping away if this is its first bath. If your cat seems to be extremely upset by the process, however, it is best to stop the bath and try again later. By slowly introducing the bathing process and by speaking in a gentle way throughout the entire process, however, you should ultimately be able to get your cat to accept bath time without much trouble.

Tips For Giving Your Cat a Bath

Paws Here!

Ever since I can remember, I have loved animals. Cats and dogs were my main interest. I used to walk home from school and if a stray cat started to follow me, I would encourage it and then tell my mother that it just happened to be there.!! Of course, then it had to be fed, and found shelter and would become a constant companion.

As I grew older, I tried to be more sensible, knowing that it cost money to feed animals, and it was not fair to my parents to incur these additional costs. However, I would still sneak a kitten up to my room hoping that it would share my own supper. I remember as a child, finding a kitten out in the middle of the very busy highway that ran past my house. With no thought to my safety, I ran out into the middle of the highway to rescue it. My mother nearly had a heart attack, and I got sent to bed with no supper.

Kittens Cats

My parents finally bought me a dog, I called him "Teddy". I loved this dog to distraction and he went everywhere with me. When we would go shopping down our main street, Teddy would always be with me, and I would tell him my secrets and he would cock his head to one side and listen in silence,

Paws Here!

I was having a birthday party, and my mother had been baking all day for the event. I was asked to go to the local store to get some napkins for the party and I called Teddy to go with me. I was so excited, that I must have talked to Teddy all the way and in his usual manner, he wagged his tail, cocked his head to one side and patiently listened.

On our return journey, I met a friend from school and took a few moments to talk with her. While my attention was taken up with our discussion, I did not notice that on the opposite side of this busy road,a large white dog was running up and down barking.

Teddy, who usually stayed close to me, decided to investigate this stranger and ran towards the dog, by the time I turned to speak to him he had started to move across the road, never stopping to see the delivery truck bearing down on him. He never had a chance. The truck driver tried to avoid him, but it was too late.

I watched in horror, my feet rooted to the ground, as Teddy, my beloved friend, was hurled high in the air before landing on the grass verge at the side of the road. He lay very still, covered in blood and my heart seemed to stop beating. It felt like hours had passed, when in fact, the whole tragedy had taken place in a few minutes. I was shaking, my legs like jelly and I could hear someone screaming, I realized the voice was mine.

I ran across the street to get to him and by this time the truck driver got out of his cab and was about to lift Teddy up when I reached him.

I knew my dog was dead, but I carried him in my arms, talking to him as I always did, but this time, there was no response. No tail wagging, no quizzical look on his face, just a broken little body. When I arrived home, my mother received a terrible shock, as my clothes were covered in blood and she thought the worst, that I had been in an accident.

When she realized what had happened, as I tried to tell her through my tears, she wanted to take the dog from me, but I wouldn't let him go, so she helped me out to our back yard and called my father. He gently explained that Teddy would have to be put to rest and that he would bury him under our old apple tree, Teddy's favorite place for lying in the shade.

Although I was only 10 years old, I knew that death was final,
no more could I play with my beloved friend, talk to him when I was sad or take him to the park to chase the ducks. It was a final goodbye.

We carried on with the party, as other children were coming and would not know of the circumstances. I slipped out from the festivities and visited the newly dug grave with a piece of Teddy's favorite cake, which he was never supposed to have, but now I felt I wanted to share it with him. My eyes filled with tears and I thought my heart would break. As in the face of all loss, I thought I would never get over it.

I have had many many pets in my life since then, but the loss of that dear little mutt, stayed in my heart, forever.

Paws Here!

LOL Cats Part IV

LOL Cats Part IV Video Clips. Duration : 9.95 Mins.

Part 4 is here! Some of you were asking for it and I had a free weekend so I was able to finish it! :D ALL IMAGES TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM ICANHASCHEEZBURGER.COM Seriously LOL Cat lovers, if you don't already view that site WEEKLY you're missing out! Music (for those that don't watch credits!): I believe in a thing called love - The Darkness Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand Touchdown Turnaround (Don't Give up on Me) - Hellogoodbye I own NONE of these images and NONE of the music! If you see your image (and maybe has some proof? :3 ) I will be more than willing to edit it out of the video if you wish. With that said, enjoy the show! :D

Keywords: lolcats, Lol, Cats, kittens, cat, funny, Icanhascheezburger, cheezburger, ICHC, blindcrow

Friday, 20 July 2012

Four Common Cat Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

These four common cat symptoms could signal an emergency, or at least require a consultation with your vet. While your cat may experience some of these symptoms and not have a significant problem, it is best to be cautious.

The fact is, cats are fairly self-sufficient, and they may recover from a mild illness even before you know they're sick. It's easy then, to overlook or ignore something that we are sure our cat will recover from. It's equally possible, however, that one or more of these cat symptoms could indicate that your cat may have a serious illness or underlying condition as the cause. Pay close attention to your cat's behavior, and if you see any of the following possible symptoms, take action right away.

Kittens Cats

  1. Diarrhea -- Diarrhea can be a sign of a more serious problem than just plain indigestion. It also causes dehydration, so do not let this go on for long without contacting your vet.
  2. Vomiting -- Vomiting is quite familiar to cats and cat owners. Hairballs are probably the most common cause of vomiting, and are usually of little concern.. But cats get into all manner of things, so it's not too surprising they have a habit of giving some of those things back. They may also have allergic reactions to plants and other items that can cause digestive distress. It might just be a hairball, but be alert to the possibility of a more severe problem if your cat is persistently vomiting. Poisons, intestinal disturbances, or serious illness could be the reason. Excessive vomiting can lead to dehydration, which is a serious condition that may require intravenous fluids, and can result in death.
  3. Lethargy -- While cat's do need lots of sleep, they shouldn't appear sluggish. Most cats will not sleep continuously in one spot for an extended period. Lethargy is a sure sign of some kind of trouble. Since cats sleep so much, it may be hard to detect if they are sluggish. If your cat is normally bubbly and active, but suddenly begins sleeping in a corner for an entire day, something is probably wrong. I failed to catch this behavior change with one of my cats once for about a day since she was out in the open and seemed fine. By day two, however, she was too weak to jump, and she ended up needing rehydration and an antibiotic.
  4. Refusal to eat or drink -- Refusal to eat or drink for extended periods, or outside of your cat's normal routine is a red flag. Make sure you know your cat's eating and drinking habits well, and be observant if there are any changes. Sick animals often stop eating, so listen to what your cat is trying to tell you.

Four Common Cat Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

For the most part, cats are pretty sturdy creatures, and will recover from mild problems on their own. There will be those times, however, when cat illness symptoms indicate a more serious condition that must be treated. I'm not suggesting that you run to the veterinarian every week, only that you be on the alert for those occasions. If you suspect your cat is ill, contact your vet.

Four Common Cat Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

Cat Fans Do: Simon's Cat #5

Cat Fans Do: Simon's Cat #5 Tube. Duration : 2.77 Mins.

www.simonscat.com -- Fans of Simon's Cat from all over the world sent us their drawings of Simon's Cat. In this video we see some of the wonderful art. This is the fifth video in the series. If you don't see your drawing in this episode don't worry. There are more episodes to come and many more of your great drawings to be seen.

Tags: Simon's Cat, Simonscat, Simons Cat, fan, drawings, Simon, Tofield, how to, tutorial, Cats, Kit, Kitten, Kitty, Cute, Kittens, How-to (Conference Subject)

Cats 101 - Japanese Bobtail

Cats 101 - Japanese Bobtail Tube. Duration : 3.55 Mins.

More Cats 101 Video: animal.discovery.com | Looking for a little luck? The Japanese Bobtail may be for you!

Keywords: cats, information, kitty, kittens, pets, kitteh

Cat Yoga

Cat Yoga Video Clips. Duration : 3.03 Mins.

www.facebook.com Check out the sequel, Cat Yoga 2! www.youtube.com Shorty the cat demonstrates a challenging yoga sequence in this instructional video for you and your kitty! Music is a sound clip called Sanskrit bundled with the iMovie program.

Tags: cat yoga, yoga, cat, hatha, kitty, ashtanga, cats, meditation, kitten, kitten yoga, yoga kitten, yoga cat, yoga kitty, kitty yoga, shorty the cat, shortythecat, shortythecat2010, evolution of cat dance, kitteh, doesn't, put, tongue, away, funny, cute, kittens, video, how to calm down a crazy, how to walk your human

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Elbow & Crusha Cats - Independent Woman

Elbow & Crusha Cats - Independent Woman Tube. Duration : 1.90 Mins.

Animated Video Featuring the "Crusha" cats

Keywords: Elbow, cats, independent, woman, Crusha

Bouygues Telecom presents Kittens Telecom (English Version)

Bouygues Telecom presents Kittens Telecom (English Version) Tube. Duration : 1.08 Mins.

For people who love videos with cute kittens, Bouygues Telecom offers you a moment of fun with kittens. More information: www.bouyguestelecom.fr

Tags: commercial, cats, kitty, funny, cute, kittens, telecom, bouygues, provider, mobile, cell, phone

Ultra Pet Better Way Flushable Cat Litter, 12-Pound Containers (Pack of 3)

List Price : $37.67

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Helps Train Kittens and reduces litter box avoidance in adult cats
  • Start with a clean, sanitized litter box and add several inches of Better Way Cat Litter;  Clean and sanitize the litter box every 30 days
  • A natural cat attractant derived from tree resins
  • No sex pheromones
  • Your cat will love Better Way Litters because it is soft on paws

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

How Fast Will Your Cat Grow - The Important Stages In A Cat's Life

Just like having a child, it can be incredibly fulfilling bringing a kitten into your family and watching it grow up. It takes only a year for your cute little kitten to mature into a cat. It can seem hard to believe but it will happen fast. Being prepared is the goal here. So what are the key milestones for a young cat?

The First Moments

Kittens Cats

Kittens are born blind and they are completely dependent on their mother. The first stages will involve learning to eat and then growing. The kitten's eyes will open and he will want to explore. At four weeks old, he is romping around shakily with his siblings. At this time he can begin to learn to use the litter box and should start to become a social animal. In the wild, the kitten's mother will start to supplement his diet with dead mice and other small pretty. But, you may want to give him some soft kitten food or some dry food that is softened a little with water.

How Fast Will Your Cat Grow - The Important Stages In A Cat's Life

Six Weeks

He's now six weeks old and he is more than ready to explore the home. If he's indoors, he will move from room to room. A feral kitten will follow his mother when she goes to hang out with the other cats. These cats will still receive mice from their mother, but they aren't dead anymore. Instead, the kitten has to learn to hunt the animal. Those who are eight weeks old will be completely weaned from their mother and are ready to go to a new home.

The Next Months

Through the next several months, the cats will grow really fast. You'll need to get them in to be vaccinated at this time so that they are healthy and strong. They will begin to learn what they have to do to live with their families and learn which behaviors are okay. You can teach your kitten his name as well as a few simple commands now. If the cat has long hair, make sure to get him used to allowing you to groom him, although the cat's coat doesn't need to be brushed just yet.

Sometimes, cats will suddenly develop a bad attitude. Believe it or not this is an adolescent stage for them. This happens when the cat goes from being a kitten into being a mature cat. Sounds just like children, right? This will happen around the fifth to six month and may last until the cat reaches a year old. They will still be playful but may get carried away to play too aggressively. If your cat is not neutered at six months of age, he will be mature enough to reproduce now. Neutering the cat will help this stage of his development go more smoothly. At six months, the cat looks the way he will look as an adult even though he may still become larger.


Just like humans, adult cats will continue to go through stages. But, these stages can be dealt with quite easily. And, unlike that mid life crisis you may have, the cat isn't likely to go out to purchase a sports car at this age!

If you take care of your kitten's health as he grows into an adult cat you will have a fulfilling relationship that will bring both you and the cat great satisfaction.

How Fast Will Your Cat Grow - The Important Stages In A Cat's Life

Cat Behavior - Cat's Sixth Sense

For many years stories of cats with strange abilities to foretell natural disaster or weather changes have abounded. Most reports concern cats showing strange behaviors before storms, volcano eruptions, earthquake or even before less natural phenomena such as air raids. (Many households with a cat in World War II soon realized they could regard puss as a reliable early-warning system as it became agitated before sirens went off) Often stories involve a mother cat moving her kittens from an area or house which later is devastated by flood, landslide or lava to a safer refuge; or a cat trapped within four walls desperately to get out. Reports of such instances of forewarning, as displayed by many cats before the 1979 California earthquake, are now taken so seriously in America that scientists in seismology there are studying the behavior of over 200 species of animals with the help of 10,000 volunteer observers. If these observers notice anything peculiar in the animal's behavior, they have to dial a hotline to ythe earthquake scientists. This is also done in China and in 1975, acting on the behavior of cats and other animals, Haicheng was evacuated twenty-four hours before a huge earthquake devastated the area. No doubt the cats had already taken to the hills. And, let's face it, if you live in a region likely to suffer from quakes, all forewarnings are greatly received.

There are several theories as to how cats seem to be able to predict these happenings. During rainstorms, enormous amounts of electricity are discharged into the clouds and create electromagnetic waves that spread through the atmosphere for hundreds of miles. The air becomes charged with positive ions which thought to influence the concentration of certain chemicals in the brain. As a result some people suffer headache before thunder. The cats may be many times sensitive to these ions, and the changes within its brain cause its mood and behavior to alter dramatically. They may also have the ability to use the Jacobson's organ to sample molecules in very dilute concentrations in the air and get a forewarning of more violent changes to come - such as when a volcano has begun to smoke, and so releases the gases within it, but has given no great outward sign of eruption. Some cats are said to rub their ears before heavy rain, responding, perhaps, to pressure changes that agitate the sensitive inner ear.

Kittens Cats

The sensitivity of the cat's feet and whiskers to vibration may mean that it can sense the tiny tremors which precede an earthquake. If we take into account this awareness of vibrations, the ability of the cat to hear ultrasonic sounds to detect magnetic changes, then a storm or earthquake may be as obvious to a cat as an air-raid siren is to us, and might well be detected hours before we humans become aware of it in its much less subtle form.

Cat Behavior - Cat's Sixth Sense

While prediction of earthquakes or other physical phenomena can perhaps be explained by modern science, there remain several vexed questions concerning a 'sixth sense' in cats. There are many reports of cats that anticipate the return of their owners after a long absence and without obvious warnings. There are also many, many stories, some corroborated by evidence rather than just anecdotal accounts, of cats traveling hundreds of miles after being left behind on holiday on holiday or returning to their old home after a move. Cats do appear to have remarkable navigational powers, perhaps thanks to an in-built magnetic sensitivity which gives them the same homing ability as is found in pigeons. They also have an amazingly accurate 'internal clock' and will welcome the kids home from school at the same time each day or wait by the wait by the food bowl at the right hour every evening.

Stranger still are tales of cats which have left home to find their owners at great distances away, in places that they have never been to before. One such story is of a cat whose owners were due to more to a new house 200 miles away. On the day of the move the cat somehow got left behind, but it turned up later at the new house! How these cats can even begin to figure out the right direction to take, let alone pinpoint the location of a house so very far away is a complete mystery. But this is by no means a unique story. There are sufficient reports of similar strange happenings to make us want to find out more about just how these cats are able to do it.

Cat Behavior - Cat's Sixth Sense

Everything I know I learned from my cat. (By SteveCash83)

Everything I know I learned from my cat. (By SteveCash83) Video Clips. Duration : 2.68 Mins.

Hello, I'm Steve Cash. This is a little tribute video to my little kitty, Sylvester. He talks, bites, scratches and sleeps. Thats about it, but I love him. Flaggle Claggle Flaggle Claggle Flaggle Claggle Flaggle Claggle Flaggle Claggle Flaggle Claggle Flaggle Claggle Flaggle Claggle Flaggle...

Tags: kitty, cat, sylvester, talk, talking, biting, mean, meaner, scratch, scratching, hissing, steve, Flaggle, Claggle, Cats, meow, translation, funny, funniest, kittens, klaatu42, Exulus, sarakling76, animals, cute, kitten, comedy, humane, society, adopt, sweet, humor, hilarious, baby, sleep, boston, in, korat, Pl4stoc

Cute kitten is sad

Cute kitten is sad Tube. Duration : 1.80 Mins.

This little kitten has a sad . If you take few seconds of your time to hit the LIKE button kitten no more haz sad .

Tags: yt:crop=16:9, kitten, cute, sad, cat, fluffy, kitty, meow, котёнок, кот, прикол

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Cats Peeing Or Pooping Outside The Litter Box - 4 Steps To Stopping The Behavior

1) The very first thing you should always do when your cat has stopped using the litter box is get them checked for a urinary tract infection. I don't care how healthy you think your kitty is, before you try any other method for solving your cat's litter box problem - get your cat over to the vet and have the little furball checked out because UTI's are the #1 cause of litter box avoidance.

2) The next thing I would do, especially if your pet is peeing/pooping on a bed or other furniture, is go out and get something to cover and protect that furniture, that will also discourage the cat from wanting to spend time on it.

Kittens Cats


Cats Peeing Or Pooping Outside The Litter Box - 4 Steps To Stopping The Behavior

  • A large plastic drop cloth (very inexpensive - can be found at the hardware store or any other store that sells paint supplies.)
  • A fitted mattress cover, if it is a bed your cat is peeing/pooping on. (More expensive but a little better looking, less conspicuous.)
  • A sheet of heavy vinyl (can be purchased from the fabric department at Wal-Mart)
  • Or something similar. You can get creative with this. I think one person mentioned they had used a tablecloth!
The point is to protect the furniture during training, while also discouraging the cat from wanting to spend time there. (You can also use these suggestions to cover up a specific spot on the floor or rug if that is where your cat is eliminating.)

Even if it doesn't discourage the kitty from attempting to potty on it - believe me, after one time of peeing on it and ending up standing in a puddle of their own urine, your cat isn't going to do that again!

3) Keep the area covered whenever you aren't using it, and anytime the cat has unsupervised access to it. That means when you leave the house, either keep the doors shut or cover the furniture/rug/bed/etc.

It would be wise to take one extra step and cover other furniture as well, even furniture that the cat hasn't been using as a potty - just to be safe. Sometimes, simply doing this will solve the problem on it's own because the cat will have no other suitable potty option other than the litter box.

Think about it. If there are no soft beds or couches to pee on, and the only other option is the kitchen floor or something like that, it's almost certain they'll opt for the litter box.

No matter what other method you're using to retrain the cat, I would recommend doing this step because it will save your belongings and usually speed up the process at the same time.

4) Consider looking for a more absorbent litter. If you think about it, one of the reasons a cat would like peeing on a bed is because of how quickly the urine is absorbed. Perhaps your cat is upset at how slowly the litter she/he has is absorbing urine.

If your cat's paws are getting wet while urinating in the box, or their urine is splashing back on them, that obviously isn't a very pleasant situation. So they're bound to look for an alternative that's a little more neat and clean. (for them at least!) It may be a good idea to shop around for a litter that absorbs more quickly.

If you have a kitten, make sure the problem isn't just the fact that the kitten can't get off the bed. Sometimes people will be playing with the kitten on the bed, and being so high off the ground the kitten won't want to jump down to go to their litter box. So naturally they just eliminate right there. That's something to keep in mind if it is a small kitten (or older cat with joint problems).

As far as cleaning the blankets or other machine machine washable material - actually, any material that can be washed at all, you need to clean it very thoroughly with some type of enzyme cleaner. It's very important to get the urine scent out completely.

In some cases, the situation that caused the litter box problem will be resolved - yet the cat will continue the behavior either out of habit, or because their scent is still there. So it is crucial that all "evidence" of the accident be removed.

Cats Peeing Or Pooping Outside The Litter Box - 4 Steps To Stopping The Behavior

For Ragdoll Cat Lovers - Ragdoll Cat Personality

The ragdoll cat personality is often what attracts cat owners to the breed. On the outside the ragdoll is large, medium haired, beautifully coloured, blue eyed breed of cat. Inwardly, they exhibit strange personality traits that set them aside from many other breeds of cat. While there are many myths and generalizations surrounding the good nature of this exotic breed, more often than not the myths are founded in truths.

The ragdoll cat personality is one generalized as being a cautious mix of intelligence and a gentle, trusting nature. While many ragdoll cats can be attributed to these personality traits, there are many more who deviate from the norm. It would be too general to say that all ragdoll cats are intelligent, just as in any breed there is diversity, and there is obviously the force of nurture to take into consideration.

Kittens Cats

Certainly the standard ragdoll cat is a gentle, kindly creature, which would much rather spend time with you and those in your family, then go roaming out and about. Then again, ragdoll's are rarely given the opportunity to be roamers - they are frequently and rightly kept as indoor cats, being far too trusting and lacking the street smarts of other outdoor cat breeds.

For Ragdoll Cat Lovers - Ragdoll Cat Personality

They tend to be laid back and far too passive for the outside world, their lack of violent tendencies often mean they are unlikely to fight back, even if threatened, causing no end of scrapes and problems in the outside world.

The myths tell us the ragdoll was named as such due to their tendency to flop while being held in your arms, but they are not alone in this, many other cats if they trust you will go limp when you hold them. Perhaps then the ragdoll is simply more trusting and flops when they barely know you at all; this trusting nature is often seen as a very attractive quality in the ragdolls.

Ragdolls love people, they love other cats, they love other pets and stranger even, they appear to love water. A ragdoll will happily play in running water for hours, apparently fascinated by the wetness of it! They have even been known to attempt to join their owners in the bath or shower, setting them aside from most other cat breeds, traditionally known as water haters. For this reason, outside the ragdoll can easily end up drowning, they must be kept away from ponds, swimming pools and other large bodies of water, even if supervised.

Ragdoll cats will happily spend days curled up on you lap, purring, meowing to you, they are not known for their independence, unlike many other breeds, you will find the ragdoll to exhibit co-dependence, a good thing for some owners, a markedly annoying trait for others, but however you view being followed around all day, be prepared to step on a few tails several times a day, you might not even realize they are stood right behind you.

But despite all the hype regarding their 'laid back' nature, and the ability to adapt to living with almost any animal, remember, just like us, each cat is different, and will exhibit different traits, don't just assume that the ragdoll cats personality will be the 'typical' or standardized one, prepare for individual differences and you wont be disappointed.

For Ragdoll Cat Lovers - Ragdoll Cat Personality

Simon's Cat (real) in night vision - part 2

Simon's Cat (real) in night vision - part 2 Tube. Duration : 4.67 Mins.

This video totally reminds me of Simon's Cat - all that's missing is the baseball bat! I haven't been sleeping very well recently, so I decided to set up a camera to show you why. The culprit is my little kitten called Bugsy who I actually call Baby (because he so small compared to my other cat Charlie). He came to me from the RSPCA and really needs attention in the middle of the night! His favourite thing is 'kneading' any bit of skin he can find, although his favourite place to do it in on my neck - which hurts like hell! If you haven't seen it already - take a look at Part 1 www.youtube.com

Tags: Simon's Cat, Cats, Kittens, Nightvision, Kitteh, Kitten, Sleeping, Sleep, Bed, Pets, Animals, Claws, paranormal

Cat Yoga 2: Back to the Mat

Cat Yoga 2: Back to the Mat Video Clips. Duration : 3.23 Mins.

Shorty the yoga cat is back in fine feline form. Check out the original Cat Yoga: www.youtube.com

Keywords: cat yoga, yoga, cat, hatha, kitty, ashtanga, cats, meditation, kitten, kitten yoga, yoga kitten, yoga cat, yoga kitty, kitty yoga, shorty the cat, shortythecat, shortythecat2010\, funny, cute, kittens, video, Guru

Kitten filmed playing in slow motion

Kitten filmed playing in slow motion Video Clips. Duration : 2.02 Mins.

Little kitten cat lol

Keywords: Kitten, filmed, playing, in, slow, motion, cat, beautiful, at, garden, house, animal, nature, best, video, ever, cute, kitty, cats, kittens, dog, rare, angora, gatinho, lindo, gato, persa, persian, funny, meow, white, lion

Monday, 16 July 2012

Must-Have Items For Your New Kitten

Must-Have Items For Your New Kitten Tube. Duration : 5.67 Mins.

In my opinion, there is nothing more fun than getting a new kitten. If you've never had a cat before, or if you're adding a kitten as a companion for another pet, you'll have some preparation to do before you bring the new kitten home. Here's my list of must-haves. Food, Water, and Treats Try to get the same food the kitten has been eating to start with, even if you plan to change the diet later. The first few days it's best to keep the kitten's diet consistent to avoid any tummy upset or diarrhea. We can go into more details on healthy kitten foods at another time as that topic is not one to skim over lightly. The kitten should have a separate food and water bowls. Ceramic or stainless steel bowls are the best choice because some cats have reactions to plastic bowls. The water bowl should be larger than the food bowls. Try to get an oval bowl if possible because cats don't like their whiskers to touch the sides of the dish. If you would like to introduce treats to your kitten, try to stick to easily digested treats like freeze dried chicken. As the kitten gets a bit older, you can branch out into other adult cat treats. If the kitten you're getting is not weaned and requires milk, use only a cat milk replacer such as KMR or 2nd Step Weaning food. Cow's milk is not good for kittens and could cause diarrhea and dehydration. Litter The second most important thing is the litter box. Obtain a litter box even if you already have another cat and litter box in your home. The ...

Tags: kitten, cat, new kitten, kitten adoption, kitten toys, scratching posts, cat litter box, kitten play, kitten carrier, cat carrier, pet gate, cat bed, must-haves for kittens


CATS AGAINST SOPA Tube. Duration : 5.50 Mins.

Click IMDB link: www.imdb.com Whether or not you go to the IMDB link, PLEASE go here: americancensorship.org

Tags: cat, cute, fetch, animal, Kitten, Kitty, Kittens, Cats, sopa, gaming, esports, husky, huskystarcraft

video 35: How to trim kitten nails the EASY way...NO RESTRAINT and NO STRESS needed (HD)

video 35: How to trim kitten nails the EASY way...NO RESTRAINT and NO STRESS needed (HD) Tube. Duration : 4.22 Mins.

How to trim kitten nails without any stress. This technique is easy, no need for any restraint! Step 1: Set the mood. trim your kitty's claws when they are sleepy and calm. Keep nail trimmers handy so you can clip nails when opportunity presents itself. Step 2: Take your time. If you only get 1-2 nails, that's okay. Cats sleep for 20 hours/day. You can get the rest later. Step 3: Keep the mood positive. Notice the kitten in this video is fully aware of what I am doing, but she is never stressed. If your kitty gets up to leave, you have pushed them too far. This was filmed using a Nikon D3100 at 30fps. Music: Laura Sullivan "Hope For the Sun"

Tags: How to trim kitten nails, claws, clipping nails, clipping kitten nails, cute kittens, technique, cat, dogs, pet videos, how-to, instruction, howto, murkin kittens

Elle gets a cricket kitten

Elle gets a cricket kitten Video Clips. Duration : 8.25 Mins.

Check out my new website: www.elleandblair.com Twitter www.twitter.com Subscribe to my beauty channel! www.youtube.com Shop! www.glitzy-glam.com Facebook www.facebook.com this video is not sponsored.

Tags: ellesglittergossip, elle, fowler, allthatglitters21, kitten, cricket, new, baby, vlog, glitter, gossip, pet, cat, kitty, cats, makeup

Novartis Capstar Flea Treatment Blue Tabs for Dogs and Cats

List Price : $29.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Oral tablet for controlling adult fleas in cats and dogs
  • Active ingredient is Nitenpyram, which interferes with normal nerve transmission and kills fleas
  • For cats and dogs 2 to 25 pounds
  • Should be given orally no more often than once per day
  • Please read all label information on delivery

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Vous les femmes

Vous les femmes Video Clips. Duration : 1.18 Mins.

Votez pour moi ici : buzz.twakoo.com (suffit de cliquer sur "kiff") ► Cliquez ici pour partager sur facebook : tinyurl.com ► Ma page : www.facebook.com ► Twitter : www.twitter.com Partagez cette vidéo AVEC LE MONDE ENTIER !!! Share this video WITH THE WHOLE WORLD!!! Merci à Buckhead8 la vidéo d'origine : www.youtube.com et merci aussi à Patrick Bouchitey, Mozinor et klaatu42 pour l'inspiration ;) générique de fin "Lenny" : www.youtube.com

Tags: Vous, les, femmes, chat, qui, chante, parle, drole, julio, iglesias, chanson, d'amour, romance, chant, chanter, paroles, vie, privée, des, animaux, animal, mignon, faireset, faireset2, lolcat, cat, cats, Kitty, Kitten, Kittens, Cute, Funny

Sissi The Cat - PUSS IN BOOTS

Sissi The Cat - PUSS IN BOOTS Tube. Duration : 0.55 Mins.

IL GATTO CON GLI STIVALI In questo video, l'espressione di Sissi mi fa omaggiare sia il mitico Mariottide interpretato da Maccio Capatonda che il gatto con gli stivali della fortunata serie al cinema Shrek. In effetti l'espressione di tristezza perchè dalla tavola non scende nemmeno un assaggino è palese! SISSI FACEBOOK www.facebook.com SISSI BLOG sissithecat.blogspot.com SISSI TWITTER twitter.com BUZZMYVIDEOS NETWORK www.buzzmyvideos.com

Tags: sissi, puss in boots, il gatto con gli stivali, shrek, fiona, cat, cats, kitten, kittens, kitty, chat, chats, chaton, chatons, gatto, gatta, gatti, gattino, gattina, micio, micia, mici, gato, gatos, gatito, simon's cat, katzen, tristezza a palate, mariottide, maccio capatonda, bmvbeta0, buzzmyvideos, network, creators

Coughing and Sneezing in Cats - You Have 3 Options For Healing

Coughing and sneezing in cats can lead to more serious symptoms and afflictions if not treated promptly. Though there may be a rather simple explanation for your feline friend's sickly behavior, can you take that chance?

If not remedied quickly, a simple nasal infection or minor upper respiratory infection can strengthen, and move into the lungs. Feline leukemia is also a dangerous possibility. There are basically three courses of action you can take to alleviate coughing and sneezing in cats.

Kittens Cats

1 - Call the vet

Coughing and Sneezing in Cats - You Have 3 Options For Healing

Coughing and sneezing in cats can be treated by a veterinarian. However, veterinarians must initially treat with their weakest antibiotics, so as not to trigger an allergic reaction in your pet. Initial doses usually run a thirty day treatment cycle, and there is no guarantee that the remedy will be effective. Even the simplest chemical antibody can have horrific, unforeseen circumstances. There are also the possible side effects mentioned earlier, not to mention the hefty price tag.

2 - Do nothing

Coughing and sneezing in cats may stem from a three day flu, a simple cold or something as simple as dust. In these cases, left alone the problem may fix itself. In some cases though, a minor cold can grow into a much more dangerous problem. This will result in many trips to the vet, and bills can run into the thousands if something like feline leukemia needs to be treated. If lack of money is the reason you seek no action, there are other safe, fast acting, inexpensive options.

3 - Use a natural cure

In nature, wild cats seek out grasses and herbs to cure all of their ailments. So why do we attempt to employ chemical vaccines and medicines to treat our pets, and ourselves for that matter? Nature was here before us and our cats, and I dare say mother earth will be spinning long after you and I are gone. Why not ask nature to heal our pets, who are natural animals? Homeopathic, all-natural cures to heal coughing and sneezing in cats have no side effects, act fast, are totally non-invasive and cost a tenth of the price of a vet, or less.

You want what is best for your feline companion, without taking forever and making your cat look at you with fear and betrayal. You certainly do not want the treatment to be the cause of some greater ill. Having a natural, safe, inexpensive, fast-acting cure for coughing and sneezing in cats handy will make certain that you return your loving pet to perfect health in no time.

Coughing and Sneezing in Cats - You Have 3 Options For Healing

How to leave your kitty at home in Minecraft 1.2

How to leave your kitty at home in Minecraft 1.2 Video Clips. Duration : 2.17 Mins.

Minecat 1.2 snapshot: mojang.com In Minecraft, tame cats will follow you around no matter what, even teleporting to you if you get too far away. Since there's no way to tell them to sit, like with wolves, instead you can put them near a chicken in a pen to keep them from constantly following you around. Donate via Paypal: www.paypal.com

Tags: Minecraft, Cat, Kitty, Ocelot, Pen, Raw Fish, Teleport, Follow