Sunday, 2 September 2012

The Amazing Secrets of a Raw Food Diet and Water As Cat Food

A raw food diet differs from a home cooked diet in that the food is given to the cat raw. Advocates of a raw, or natural, diet argue that cooked or processed food is not natural for cats (after all, nature does not cook for cats), and the cooking process destroys necessary enzymes and vitamins in the food.

Because cats have stronger stomach acids than humans do, they are better able to digest raw (or natural) foods. Although it may be hard to convert a cat who is used to a traditional commercial food diet, cats usually can live well on a raw diet. If you are feeding your feline a raw diet, use caution when handling raw meat to avoid exposing yourself to E. coli and other bacteria that may be present in raw foods. Consult your veterinarian for advice and recipes before offering this diet.

Kittens Cats

If you feed your cat a home cooked or raw diet and go away on vacation, you will have to leave prepared food for him and show the person who is taking care of your pet exactly how to prepare the meals.

The Amazing Secrets of a Raw Food Diet and Water As Cat Food


All cats and kittens must have access to fresh, clean water at all times. If you live in an area where the water is treated or has high sulfur content, you may want to give your cat bottled water or filtered tap water. Cats have keen senses of smell and taste, and they may refuse to drink water that smells bad or tastes like chemicals.

Make sure to replace the water and wash the water dish every day. After all, your cat can not do it for himself. Depending in your cat's eating habits; you may have to refill the dish several times a day. Some cats drop food bits into it, play with it and knock it over, or shed hairs into it. If this happens, you need to change the water again. A cat will not drink out of a dirty water dish.

Do not panic if your cat or kitten does not look like he is drinking much water. Cats obtain most of the moisture that they require through the food that they eat, and they need less water than most other mammals. Canned food is about 78 percent water, semi moist food is approximately 35 percent water, and dry food ranges from 6 to 10 percent water, depending on the brand.

No matter what type of food that you feed, your cat or kitten always must have clean water available. Cats can become constipated if they do not get enough water. Offering him a bowl of milk is not a substitute for water. Despite the myth, many cats are lactose intolerant.

The Amazing Secrets of a Raw Food Diet and Water As Cat Food

Cutest Kittens on Earth: A Competition!

Cats are owned for a variety of reasons. They make us laugh, they make us smile, they even contribute to the holistic well-being of their owners! These cutest kittens on earth contribute to the health benefit of those people who love them, such as reduction of blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease, and increased sense of well-being. So, in behalf of our little feline friend, we dedicate this article for them.

All kittens are uniquely cute in their own way. If you have a cat you know is the cutest kitten on earth, then now is your chance to join the Cutest Kitten competition without the hassles in going through a lot of criteria. We can do it online!

Kittens Cats

Kitten competitions have been with us so many years. Both pedigrees and moggies are able to compete with each other to a certain criteria. Though each organization has different rules, a kitten or cat is always judged of its breed, age, sex, and color.

Cutest Kittens on Earth: A Competition!

Kitten behavior also acquire additional points. Those who try to hiss, spit, scratch and bite are given negative points or no credits at all. On that account, training a kitten is very critical.

In this modern world, globalization plays an important role in the lives of many. Kitten competitions also are being held online basing solely on the cuteness of the kitten. Therefore, no training needed. And the whole world will have the chance to join the contest!

Most kitten owners what to show off their kittens by snapping pictures of them. They want to brag about how cute their kittens are. Now, we have been overwhelmed by those cute kitten pictures that has been submitted from websites to websites.

Sharing cute kitten photo on websites will have a chance to win prizes. There have been monthly winners with the cutest kitten shot together with the cat's tale.

Cutest Kittens on Earth: A Competition!

Puppy Love - Doggystyle

Puppy Love - Doggystyle Video Clips. Duration : 1.97 Mins.

SUBSCRIBE: WEBSITE: TWITTER Sometimes people fall head over heels in love... and other times they are just really high Starring Monterey Salka Geoff Haskell Bree Essrig Cinematography Dave Eaton Gaffer Geoff Haskell Writer/Director Michael Gallagher ©2009 Totally Sketch. All Rights Reserved.

Tags: Puppy, Love, Sex, Dogs, Kittens, Cats, Drug, Trip, Indian, Desert, Mushrooms, Shrooms, Totally, Sketch

Unflappable cat and bird attacks

Unflappable cat and bird attacks Video Clips. Duration : 0.85 Mins.

AND NOT A SINGLE F**K WAS GIVEN THAT DAY Невозмутимый кот и атакующая птица

Keywords: and, not, single, fuck, was, given, that, day, Невозмутимый, кот, и, атакующая, птица, Bird, Trolling, the, Cat, Unflappable, attacking, cats, birds, kitty, kitten, cute, dog, kittens, duck, funny, meow, parrot, wildlife, animals, pet, ducks, pets, playing, nest, grey, nature, eagle, blue, goose, feeding, talking, pigeon, hunting, flying, eagles, pigeons, bald, squirrel, placebo, prey, worm, cockatoo, hawk, hummingbird, chasing, feather, watching, pond, brian, finch, chicken, free bird, feathers, blue bird

Cat Furniture - Every Royal Kitty Needs A Castle

You have a true friend if you own a cat. Your kitty will love you
know matter what you might do to him. Your kitty may have been
your companion now for many years. Considering this, a cat is
dependent on you for each and every thing he needs. Sometimes a
cat can seem pretty independent but at the end of the day, they
will always come purring back to you.

Cats do so much to enhance our lives; it is good to know that we
can make their lives more comfortable. Cat furniture was designed
for the sole comfort of our beloved pets. Cats come in many
shapes and sizes and there are many different styles of cat
furniture to accommodate them.

Kittens Cats

The most essential piece of cat furniture that you can have is a
cat litter box. These come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Cats
like their privacy. This is why most cat litter boxes come with a
lid and a door for cats to enter. Even better is a piece of cat
litter furniture. This is a litter cabinet that can double for an
end table. It looks like a regular piece of furniture but really
it hides the cat litter box inside.

Cat Furniture - Every Royal Kitty Needs A Castle

Another critical piece of cat furniture is the cat tree with
scratching sisal. Instead of ripping apart you couch the cat can
do his instinctive scratching on the posts. Even a de-clawed cat
will want to use the post to perform this ritual.

Some individuals love to build things and trying their hand at a
cat tree just comes natural. Its really not that hard and there
are many designs on the internet. Usually a cat tree is
constructed of wood or particleboard covered in carpet. A good
cat tree will have several platforms to nap on and will have a
sturdy base. Whether you build or buy one, you want to look for
these features

Another function of a cat tree is to provide a cat or kitten with
a place to play. This is great for people who go to work everyday
and leave their cat home alone. A cat gym is a piece of cat
furniture that is similar to a cat tree, only is has more for a
cat to play with. It has multiple tiers for your cat to
frolicking on and often has toys or feathers to play with.

Another piece of cat furniture is a cat house. This may sound
simple, but when you start shopping for one, you will find it
anything but simple. There are several different types of cat
houses, from a single level box to a multi-level condo. There are
some that come with a suite of rooms. The more deluxe models have
their own cat furniture, such as cat beds or even their litter
box built right into the condo. Cat houses and condos serve
another purpose. They allow your cat a place to hide, away from
an active household and allow them to sneak a "cat nap".

If you have a cat up in years cat furniture can be a big help to
him. While some may have special needs or are handicapped cat
furniture can assist them in different ways. An older cat can
benefit from pet steps or a quiet cat house to rest up in. A
small cat tree or scratching post can give needed exercise to a
kitty that does not get out much.

So remember every kitty is special and needs a castle to call
home. With all the choices out there, you can find that special
piece of cat furniture that your kitty deserves.

Cat Furniture - Every Royal Kitty Needs A Castle

Claycat's THE RAID

Claycat's THE RAID Video Clips. Duration : 3.08 Mins.

The new action film THE RAID retold with claymation cats. behind the scenes claycat wallpaper web facebook http twitter Made by Lee Hardcastle Sound by Tim Atkins Score by Mike Shinoda and Joseph Trapanese

Tags: THE RAID, raid, redemption, free, watch, claycat, cinema, leehardcastle, lee hardcastle, claymation, pingu's the thing, cat, cats, theatre, the thing, john carpenter, stop motion, animation, cartoon, claycat cinema, clay cat, remake, part 1, streaming, with cats, with kittens, violent, gory, gun, fight, action, film, video, Mike Shinoda, linken park, gareth evans

Cat and Kitten Origin and History of Cat Information

Curious, to know the origin of the word cat, then here is a brief history, which will help people to understand as how the word 'cat' originated. The English word cat was not into usage until 300 AD. It is very remarkable that, in numerous languages around the world, cat owners call this domesticated animal by the term (name), which is very alike the English word of cat or may be puss.

People consider that the name puss is originated from the Pasht, the ancient Egyptian Goddess. This Goddess had the head of cat. People looked on her as a darker reflection of Bast or Bastet, who was the creator or the mother of all felines in the universe. The Goddess sent all the cats to all corners of the Egypt. Hence, it led to the origination of the word puss.

Kittens Cats

Some tribes in Egypt called this goddess as Mau, which means the one who can see everything. Perhaps, this word also has much to do with the imitative reference to meowing of the cats. This typical voice matches up to the phonetic transcription of hieroglyph (primitive writing) of cats.

Cat and Kitten Origin and History of Cat Information

Detailed History:

In later years, Copts, the high priests of the church popularized the word chau. Therefore, people in the ancient Egypt later referred to cat as chau. Moreover, the term tomcat has very interesting etymology. Egyptians worshiped atoum, the sun god, which they compared to feline. Thus, it led to the formation of new term tomcat.

Studies reveal that another Greek tribe called cats as ailuros. This word was the combination of the terms aiol as well as ouros, which means wagging tail. People in Latin America referred wild cats as felis. People started domesticating the cats to get rid of rodents. The word felis got wide recognition around the world.

In later period, when people in Rome domesticated cats of orient breed, they used the word cattus instead of felis. In fourteenth century, when the agronomy treaty was signed in Palladius, commonly referred as De re rustica, the officials coined the word cattus for cats in scientific context. This word also appears in the Bible, but then they used this word for night bird. According to the Isidore of the great Seville, the word cattus originates form capture, which means to take or probably from cattare, means piercing look.

In seventeenth century, people called cats as murices, musio or murilegus, which means the one who catches the mice.

Cats In Other Languages:

Although, the word catus was in usage for long years, the originations of new languages lead to newer names for cats. In Portuguese and Spain, people call cats as gato, whereas in Italian languages people call cat as gatto.

In Slavic languages such as in Russian, people call cat as kochka. People refer cat as katze in Germany, cat in English, Chat in French, Cath in Welsh, Kitt in Arabic, Kot in Polish, Puccha in Sanskrit, Pushak in Persia, Puize in Lithuanian and Pus in Irish. Thus, this is all about the etymology of the word cat.

Cat and Kitten Origin and History of Cat Information

Kittens and Cats- The Dangers of Pulmonary Diseases to Your Cat or Kitten

Cats are ideal pets. They will curl up beside you and have fun playing with you. The best way to spend many memorable years with your cat is by being aware of the various diseases that may put its life in danger such as those that may affect its pulmonary system.

One of the most common, especially when your cat has just been brought home from the pet store or given by a friend, is called URI or upper respiratory disease. A symptom is if the cat sneezes frequently, has teary eyes and a crusty nose.Several organisms have been known to cause this. The first is called a Rhinotracheitis which is a virus associated with herpes. It is also possible that this came from the Chlamydia psittaci and the Calicivirus.

Kittens Cats

There are other threats aside from those mentioned. The good news is that this illness cannot be contracted by humans and is not that serious because it will go away in a few weeks after the cat has adjusted to the new environment. Despite that, you should still be concerned because you do not know yet the type of virus that is causing the symptoms. Bordetella or mycoplasma could be the culprit and this may spread to those who have dogs at home too so caution must be exercised.

Kittens and Cats- The Dangers of Pulmonary Diseases to Your Cat or Kitten

The new addition to the family should be given plenty of fluids. Although cats in general love milk, they should be given water instead. Some vets also recommend giving it some multivitamins. Eye ointment can help clear the eyes and mouth enabling it to see and breathe properly.

A small number of cats that have this type of pulmonary disease will lapse into a chronic state. This means it could happen again the future since this will stay for the remainder of the cat's life. The cat owner should be ready when this happens. The use of anti-viral drugs like those that have acyclovir, lysine, tetracycline and Vitamin A are proven to be effective.

Veterinarians at one point recommended that cats should be vaccinated annually to prevent this disease from occurring. Recent studies have shown that it is safe to be give this every two or three years instead.

The cat may also suffer from asthma. This can happen if the kitten is sensitive to its surroundings like those coming from pollen, dust, molds and other pollutants. Vets will be able to confirm this through a blood test and a chest radiograph. The chest radiograph is like an x-ray because it gives a picture of how the lungs are doing.

There was a time that antihistamines and bronchodilators were used to treat this problem. But the best way is to give the cat some steroids orally or injecting this into the feline's bloodstream.

The pulmonary diseases mentioned are irreversible. This will continue as long as the cat lives so pet owners have to do what is necessary to catch it before things get worse.

Kittens and Cats- The Dangers of Pulmonary Diseases to Your Cat or Kitten

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Ragdoll kitten give big hugs to my boyfriend (8 weeks old)...

Ragdoll kitten give big hugs to my boyfriend (8 weeks old)... Video Clips. Duration : 0.90 Mins.

Dollizzyous Toetje en Dollizzyous Minoes giving hugs to my boyfriend... NO CATNIP! This kitten now 3 years old, still hugging and not only my boyfriend! More vid's, more funny and sweet kittens: From cattery Dollizzyous in Holland.

Keywords: Hugs, Kittens, Ragdoll, katten, poezen, jonge katjes, jonge kittens., cat, cats, kitty, cute, meow, two, Hugging, Funny, loveley, kat, poes, Pet, animal, animals, poesjes, Pets, sweet

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Aggressive Biting In Cats - Cat Biting From Fear Or Anger

Aggressive biting in cats is very common problem among cat owners.  Cats will bite both when they are playing and when they are upset.  You must first determine why your cat is biting you before you will be able to address the problem.  If your cat is crouching down with his ears back, tail curled inward, and body tilted away he is frightened. Your cat will probably hiss, lash out and bite when you get near. Another sign is his eyes will dilate he will show his teeth and his hair may stand up on end.  This is the sign of a hostile cat, hostility toward humans usually stems from improper treatment and socialization when the kitten was between five and twelve weeks of age.  This causes cats to be skittish and easily upset by their human companions.

If you have a kitten pet and touch him all over his body, get him used to being handled by you.  Introduce your young kitten to adults, kids, dogs and other cats as much as possible to socialize him properly.  When playing with your cat keep it gentle and with toys not your hand or feet.  You don't want your kitten growing up thinking it is alright to attack you for any reason. 

Kittens Cats

You have an adult that is showing sign of aggression, is it too late?  No, you can still train your cat not to bite and develop a trust with him.  You will want to start off slowly, when he is calm gently start stroking his head and gradually move down his back.  Watch for signs that your cat has had enough, before it gets to the point of getting bit offer him a treat and stop the session.  With time he will learn to enjoy being pet.

Aggressive Biting In Cats - Cat Biting From Fear Or Anger
Aggressive Biting In Cats - Cat Biting From Fear Or Anger

EVO Turkey & Chicken Cat & Kitten Food - 12x13.2 oz

List Price : $39.76

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Tuesday, 28 August 2012


KITTY MAID!! Video Clips. Duration : 3.00 Mins.

SHIRTS - Fans! http Daily Vlogs: TobyGames! Twitter! Posters! Dailybooth! Thanks to Urban Delights for providing the outro music! KITTY MAID!!

Tags: KITTY, MAID, toby, turner, tobuscus, cute, kitten, cat, cats, adorable, treadmill, fail

Do Something, Cat

Do Something, Cat Tube. Duration : 0.20 Mins.

My Cat Does Something On Command -Help the Cat get over 1000000 views! We're so close, please spread the Cat!- (This is the original) 8/24/08 2:56 am So wow, I'm checking my emails before I go to sleep & I see that there's tons of comments on this video. Then I see that someone said it was on G4TV's Attack of the Show, my favorite show! I couldn't believe it. Out of everything I've posted on YouTube I can't believe my lazy old cat Brooke would become an overnight internet celebrity. I guess America loves stupid humor. Thanks to whoever spread the word on this video & put it in front of the right people! 6/01/11 Thanks to everyone who's been reposting lately as the video is really starting to take off now. Among those, Thanks to Ray William Johnson who used this as his first clip on Including reposts like this, Do Something, Cat is nearing 5 million views! Thanks all

Tags: Funny, Cat, cute, Lazy, Trick, Hilarious, Fart, Noise, Do, Something, Kitten, Kitty, Outdoors, Kittens, Lol, ROFL, Viral, Video, Attack, Show, Calico, Outside, cats, comedy, pet, haha, things, random, meow, happens, Tosh.0, funniest

Why Do Cats Howl?

Cats can, and do, vocalize in a number of ways. Howling, particularly at night, is not uncommon. Howling or loud meowing can be symptomatic of anxiety, grief or medical issues. However, the breed tendencies will also affect your cat's vocal habits.

Particularly Vocal Breeds
The Siamese breed, and any breeds derived from the Siamese, is likely to be more vocal than its fellow felines. Typically, this is not indicative of any underlying physical or emotional problem. With a noisy breed, owners should only be concerned if there is a marked change in the volume or frequency of their cats' howling.

Kittens Cats

Health Problems That May Cause Howling
If your cat is usually quiet and suddenly begins to display howling behaviors, a physical or psychological health issue is the most likely cause. Typically, cats do not show symptoms of any illness until it is fairly advanced. Therefore, sudden howling should prompt owners to pay a visit to their veterinarians.

Why Do Cats Howl?

A vet will be able to rule out any physical condition that may be causing the cat pain. A likely cause of howling in older cats is renal failure or hyperthyroidism. Concerned owners should be vigilant for other indicators of illness such as increase or decrease in appetite and thirst. If your cat's vocal habits have changed, it is imperative to eliminate any physical issue, before addressing the possible psychological causes.

Howling for Attention
You may discover that your cat's howling is brought about by a desire for attention. Many cats learn from a young age that noise results in attention, food or affection. Typically, a cat, or any other animal, that is desperate for attention is not concerned whether it is of the positive or negative variety. Therefore, shouting at, or chastising, your pet will not discourage him, or her.

If you are certain that your cat's howling behavior is due to attention seeking, the best way to resolve the issue is to ignore your pet when he, or she, howls. It will not take long before your cat learns that this is not the way to obtain your attention. To reinforce the notion that noisiness is not appropriate, it is important for owners to show their animal lots of affection when he, or she, is quiet.

Howling Caused by Anxiety or Grief
If there has been a sudden change in your cat's life, such as moving home or the introduction of a new person or animal into the family, it can result in stress, which may cause your pet to howl. Similarly, the loss of a human or animal can be equally distressing to a cat.

To help your pet to overcome anxiety or grief, it is important to offer him, or her, lots of positive attention. It is always beneficial to retain a routine, as this will help to ease a cat's stress. You may also find it useful to use a cat pheromone, such as Feliway, which has been proven to ease cats' distress.

Boredom May Cause Howling
Boredom is a particular problem for indoor cats, as they may not have many opportunities for exercise. Cats that are kept indoors can become frustrated and this can be acted out through howling behavior. Ways to overcome boredom include having plenty of toys and climbing apparatus, spending as much time with you cat as possible and hiding treats around the house. It is also wise to have your cat spayed or neutered, as this will ease some of an indoor cat's frustration.

Feline Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome
Also known as Feline Dementia, Feline Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome is found in some older cats, which is similar to Alzheimer's in humans. Howling is caused by the cat's disorientation and anxiety. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome, but a vet may be able to prescribe medication for extreme cases of anxiety.

If you find that your cat is suffering from Feline Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome, it is wise to follow the same tips for curing boredom. Try to ensure that your cat is as stimulated as possible during the day, as this should reduce his, or her, howling at night.

If howling is unusual in your pet, sudden vocal expression is often a sign that something is wrong. Therefore, any case of atypical howling behavior should be brought to the attention of your vet as soon as possible.

Why Do Cats Howl?

5 Effective Ways to Stop My Cat Spraying

Before you'll discover how to stop your cat spraying, there is a thing you need to know: the difference between a spraying and urinate.

Spray is created when a mature cat mixes a small amount of urine with glandular secretion called pheromones. When a cat sprays, it stand straight up and lift its rear high in the air, usually against a vertical surface, such a wall. If she isn't spraying in this upright position, than you may actually be dealing with a litter box avoidance.

Kittens Cats

So, why do cats spray?

5 Effective Ways to Stop My Cat Spraying

  1. To Mark their territory
  2. Unaltered cats spray to attract a mate
  3. To communicate something to another cat
  4. To relieve stress

Here's  to solve you cat spraying problem?

- The first thing you should do is to take your pet to the vet and check for any health problem.

- Spay/neuter your kitten. More than 90% of the cat spraying problems can be solved with spaying.

Spraying is most common in multi-cat homes and homes with non-neutered males. Sterilization completely stops spraying in 90% of males and 95% of females. A home with more than one non-neutered male is a recipe for disaster. (It doesn't necessarily have to be a cat either. An intact male cat can have territorial conflicts with an intact male dog - and viceversa)

- Block your kitten view of the outdoors.

If she is feeling threatened by an outdoor cat, the natural response will be to defend his territory - your home. Close the blinds or cover the window with drapes, as long as your cats view of the intruder cat is blocked, it should fix the problem.

- If your kitten is spraying on a person clothing, it can be a problem with that particular person (or this person clothing because they are bringing in scents from other cats or dogs). This person needs to spend time bonding with the cat - giving treats, playing, possibly sleeping in the same room until she gets comfortable with them.

- Have regular play session in the room where her usually spraying. This way, you'll change the association with the area from "territory boundaries" to "nest area". Cats doesn't spraying in their nest area. Doing this may stop the spraying problem completely - or at least decrease it.

It's very important to watch and understand what your pet needs. Sometimes it take no more than few days to solve a cat spraying problem, when you know what caused the problem.

5 Effective Ways to Stop My Cat Spraying

Everything About Pet Ear Mites

Ear mites could affect any pets, and are a common problem that can be very distressing for the animal concerned. Furthermore, if left untouched the mites can lead to more painful and serious afflictions and an unhappy period for a cat or dog. For this reason it is imperative that the pet owner is aware what ear mites are, how to eradicate them, and what to look for to spot them.

What are Ear Mites? Ear mites are minuscule insects that exist on the blood and nutrients found in an animal's skin; they appear as, when magnified, crabs and have legs that hook on to the host with some strength. Very hard to remove, the mite is a notably horrible creature that can bring displeasure to a much-loved family pet.

Kittens Cats

They live on the outside edges of the ear canal and dine on the debris that is left there, and are notably contagious, migrating from animal to animal very rapidly indeed. In fact, these mites might also be spread to human sufferers, but are more likely to be seen on domestic pets and farm animals. It needs to be remembered they can spread between species - a cat may pass to a dog, or vice versa - and that many animals react in many ways to the presence of mites. The mites are a very prevalent cause of discomfort in cats and dogs, notably young kittens and puppies, and can cause the animal to hurt constantly.

Everything About Pet Ear Mites

This can cause complications later, as furious scratching - particularly in cats - could mean causing blood vessels to break, bringing about unwanted infection and a more dangerous level of suffering as well as the possibility of horrible disfigurement. In addition, if left to spread the mites can lead to bacterial problems and more, and this has been proven to lead to a rupturing of the eardrum - a painful affliction that leads to deafness in the animal.

How to Spot Ear Mites: There are numerous pointers that tell of the presence of ear mites in cats and dogs.

The first is the usual increase in scratching of the infected area that accompanies the onset of mites, and this can also be highlighted by an exaggerated and vigorous shaking of the head, as if trying to dislodge something that is clinging on (which is, of course, exactly what the animal is trying to do.) The ear produces wax all the time, and the presence of mites could cause this to be done.

Everything About Pet Ear Mites

Cat Alarm 2

Cat Alarm 2 Tube. Duration : 2.32 Mins.

Another cat tries to get me out of bed.

Tags: cat, cats, cute, funny, alarm, pets, kitten, pet video, cat wake up call, kitty, cat alarm clock, cat wakes me up, Kittens

Monday, 27 August 2012

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Your New Kitten - Part I

At some point in time, most of us have had the pleasure of bringing home a new kitten. For the most part, it tends to be an exciting and happy occasion, but the key to that excitement and happiness is making sure that you have done your homework and are prepared for the event. Once the kitten is home and adjusting to its new surroundings (as well as the family adjusting to the kitten), there will no doubt be questions that arise regarding the care of your new pet.

For the purposes of covering the bases properly, we have focused on the 6 most frequently asked questions regarding having a new kitten in the home. This first article focuses on the following FAQ's:

Kittens Cats

* Is it necessary to have my kitten vaccinated every few weeks as they are growing?

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Your New Kitten - Part I

* My kitten's fecal samples are negative (clear), so why to I need to keep paying to have them dewormed?

Is it necessary to have my kitten vaccinated every few weeks as they are growing? My suggestion here is that you rely on the information that you will find at the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP). The AAFP differentiates between two categories of vaccines - specifically, "Core" and "Non-Core" vaccinations. The Core vaccinations include the following:

* Rabies - Check to see if your state or county requires this as most states do. This vaccine is typically administered when the kitten is 3-4 months old.

* Distemper (a.k.a. panleukopenia) and upper respiratory viruses (e.g. calicivirus and herpesvirus) - These vaccinations are normally administered as a series and given to the kitten every few weeks until they are between the ages of 12-16 weeks

* Feline leukemia (a.k.a. FeLV) - The FeLV is a critical vaccination for your kitten if they are going to be going outdoors with any regularity and could possible come into contact with an infected cat or a cat whose health status is unknown.

My kitten's fecal samples are negative (clear), so why to I need to keep paying to have them de-wormed? The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that your kitten be de-wormed beginning at three weeks of age, and done several times despite negative fecal samples. Hookworms and roundworms have the tendency to infect your kitten through the mother cat's milk. Additionally, the environment is a breeding ground for contaminants as well and can also make your kitten quite sick. The typical signs of infection are diarrhea and vomiting.

Several weeks can pass once your kitten has been infected before the worms mature in your kitten's intestinal tract. Fecal tests conducted by the veterinarian look for eggs that are passed from the adult worms. The tests can also be negative even when the infection is already present. This is the main reason to de-worm your kitten more than once - to ensure that worms are no longer present.

In the next article, we will focus on the topics of grooming routines for you kitten as well as their energy levels.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Your New Kitten - Part I

Tips That Will Help You in Taking Care of Your Cat

There are many people who prefer having a cat at home because they are lovable pets that bring joy to their home. Recent studies have proved that families that have cats in their home are happier when compared to families that don't have cats. Cats are such playful animals that most households prefer having them as pets. However, having a pet is a huge responsibility and the health of the pet is an indicator of the efforts made by the pet owners to take care of their animal friend.

Caring for your pet begins the moment it enters your home. It is important that you make the cat feel comfortable and give it time to settle down. Most kids in your home will love playing with their new family member. However, it is important that they allow the pet to get used to the new home before they get friendly with the new pet. Pet owners could also face problems from other pets they have in their home. For instance, the dog you have may not like to have a new animal enter its territory. Therefore, it is important that you keep your pets in separate rooms for some time. Pet owners must also make sure a family member accompanies a pet when it goes out of the home. However, once your pet gets accustomed to the neighborhood, it can go out of the home alone.

Kittens Cats

It is your duty to ensure that water bowl and feeding dish is clean. Make sure the bowl and dish are stable and don't break or keel over when pressure is applied to them. Choosing the right litter box for your cat is not easy as they usually don't like using these boxes. To get the right litter box, you may have to make several trips to the local pet stores. The litter box you buy must smell good and must be easy to use. If you buy a large box, your pet may find it difficult to enter and come out of the box. Initially, it is best that you use a litter pan as kittens find it easy to use these pans. Make sure the litter box is clean as unclean boxes are breeding ground for bacteria and germs. Avoid using disinfectants to clean the boxes and cats hate the smell of disinfectants. You can use water and soap to clean the boxes.

Tips That Will Help You in Taking Care of Your Cat

The food that you give your pet has a huge impact on their health. If you don't have time to make food for your pet at home, you can give them good quality ready-made food. Make sure you buy premium cat food for your pet as they have all the nutrients that your pet needs. Cheap cat food is inexpensive but don't have the necessary nutrients that are required to maintain the health of your pet.

Tips That Will Help You in Taking Care of Your Cat

World's Smartest Cat Performs Amazing Tricks!

World's Smartest Cat Performs Amazing Tricks! Video Clips. Duration : 4.10 Mins.

Meet the world's smartest cat - Kaiser! From skateboarding to backflipping to rolling a barrel, Kaiser the Bengal cat does it all. These are the tricks Kaiser could perform as of his first birthday. Kai celebrated his first birthday on October 2nd, 2010. Kai is a purebred clicker...

Tags: Bengal cat tricks, amazing cat tricks, cat does dog tricks, Bengal, cat, for, movies, film, available, movie cat, cat clicker training, cats, performs, amazing, tricks, kitten, does, trick, smart, cute, stupid, pet, David, Letterman, play, dead, Boone Narr, audition, tape, performance, backflipping, most, incredible, Bengals, dog, Boone's, Animals, Hollywood, acting, actor, genius, intelligent, animal, funny, fun, beautiful, feline, puppy, doing, trainer, TV, commercial, planet's, funniest, skateboarding cat, kittens, pets

SmartCat Multi-Level Cat Climber

List Price : $89.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Great unit for scratching, climbing, sleeping, and exercising
  • Natural sisal post is ideal for scratching
  • Spring-loaded bracket system makes it easy to move from room to room
  • Easy assembly
  • Fits on virtually any door

Choosing Your New Cat - Some Dos and Don'ts

Thinking of getting a cat? Perhaps you've finally moved into a place of your own and have always wanted one? Perhaps your kids have been bugging you for a pet - and Christmas is coming? Here's some advice for the prospective cat owner.

  • First, never buy a cat or kitten from a pet store. Not only do these parasitic businesses contribute to the cat overpopulation problem, most of these cats come from kitty mills - money making cat factories plagued by disease and maltreatment. There are pet supply stores that provide space for humane societies to hold adoption days, some even have adoption centres right in the store. These are the responsible corporate citizens you should favour with your business.
  • Second, try to find out as much as you can about the cat or kitten before you adopt it. Some humane societies foster their animals in homes, so that they can tell you what the kitten or cat's personality is like. Ask questions... Do you have kids? Make sure the cat is good with small children. Do you already have a cat or a dog? Make sure this cat will do well in that situation. Every cat has his or her own distinct personality - just like people do. The more you know about a prospective cat's personality, the more likely it will be to fit into your home and family.
  • Consider adopting an adult cat instead of a kitten, especially if you have never had a kitten before. Kittens tend to be quite rambunctious and destructive, and require a lot of patience, care and attention. Adult cats tend to be more docile and cuddly. Surprisingly, adult cats have a much harder time finding homes; because people all find kittens so cute and irresistible. Humane societies never seem to have a problem finding homes for kittens. So, if you care about animals, and really want to make a difference, adopt an adult cat. Besides, that kitten quickly grows up into... you guessed it... a cat!
  • Finally, never get a cat for someone else as a gift, whether it be your friend, parent or child. It is important for people to choose their own pet, and it is important that they actually WANT a pet and have time and money for a pet. Many people are tempted by pet store kittens just before Christmas (these stores know this and play it to the max!), and many of these 'gift pets' end up in humane societies in the new year. You're certainly helping the pet shops make money by doing this, but you're not doing a kindness to the animal or to your family or friend. Do the right thing - get a gift certificate from a humane society and give that - your friend or family member is then free to decide whether they actually want the pet, or would like the money to go as a donation to the humane society; a very good cause indeed.
Remember to spay or neuter your new pet - every year tens of thousands of cats suffer abandonment in each of our major cities. Every cat you help bring into the world takes a home from one of those orphans. You may want your children to see the "miracle of birth' and just want kitty to have one litter - but this is a selfish and irresponsible practice. It's as silly as encouraging teenage pregnancy so that your children can see the miracle of birth. Do the responsible thing... do the humane thing... rent a nature video if you really want them to see the miracle of birth!

Kittens Cats

Choosing Your New Cat - Some Dos and Don'ts
Choosing Your New Cat - Some Dos and Don'ts

Understanding the Declawing of Your Cat

When you bring a new pet into your home, there are a number of precautions that you need to take in order to ensure that your family and this new pet are safe. Cats can be social creatures with a strong relationship between them and their owners. If you are just bringing a kitten into your home, there are a few things that you should do to help your kitten become socialized well in your home.

Declawing your cat is an option for anyone wanting to protect their cat from being hurt. Before you make a decision such as this, you should take into consideration a few different factors. One of the first things that you should understand is that a cat's claws are not like a toenail. These claws are deeply embedded into a cat's paw. The claws are also attached to the last joint in each of the cat's toes. So, you should realize that taking the claws away may cause severe amounts of pain to the cat because you have to take out the last joint of the toe as well. Another fact that you should consider is that when you remove the claws, the doctor will be required to put the cat completely under in order to cut off the ends of the bones.

Kittens Cats

Some people consider this type of surgery to be inhumane for the cat. In different parts of Europe, this type of surgery is illegal because of the pain it causes to the cat. Declawing your cat is only an act done in America for our convenience. You should realize that the cat is going to require an extensive amount of time for recovery. Although it may not appear so, your cat is learning how to survive in a different way. The cat will not show any signs of pain, but it will be enduring a lot just to go about its daily tasks.

Understanding the Declawing of Your Cat

Declawing your cat is a major decision that needs to be made with both care and compassion. If you are even slightly unsure of your decision, you should not go through with it. You cat is made with claws for a reason, and you should take that into consideration when you are thinking about taking those claws away. Some cats also experience a change in personality when they undergo the declawing process.

Understanding the Declawing of Your Cat

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Cat & Kitten Photography Tips For Cat Lovers - Photographing Your Pet & Cat Picture Taking Tutorial

  1. Personality: Is your cat playful? Lazy? Curious? What makes your kitty special? Try to incorporate that into your photographs. Your photographs will have a more natural look if you photograph your cat doing what it does best...sleeping by a window in a warm ray of sun, or patiently waiting to pounce on that elusive ball of tin foil. Shots like these are easier to get when your cat does them naturally.
  2. Your cat's eye view: Get down on your hands and knees if necessary. Shooting from your kitty's level will bring an intimacy to your photographs and create a relationship between the viewer and your subject. Shots looking down at your cat will make them look smaller and distort proportions.
  3. Zoom in close: Fill the whole frame with your kitty's cute face! This will bring attention to what you love most, and leave out distracting details.
  4. Watch your backgrounds: Sometimes plain backgrounds are the best. A nice green patch of grass, a white kitchen floor, your cat's favorite blanket. Avoid backgrounds that are distracting. Watch out for background elements that seem to "grow" out of the back of your pet's head, like trees, telephone poles, chair legs, etc. If you have a manual setting on your camera, a larger aperture ( like f/2.8, f/4 etc.) will give you a nice blurred background, thus accentuating your subject. When using larger apertures, accurate focusing becomes more critical so be sure and focus directly on your pet rather than any background or foreground area.
  5. Lighting: Use natural lighting whenever possible. Flash lighting can create "red eye" and will tend to over expose white or light colored pets. Be sure your camera's White Balance option is set to match the type of light you are using. If your indoor shot comes out extremely blue, chances are you have your camera set on "Daylight" rather than "Tungsten". If your outdoor shots come out extremely orange, chances are you have your camera set on "Tungsten" rather than "Daylight". More than one source of light such as 3/4 light plus a little backlighting will give more rounded results. Light only from the front will tend to give your shots a flat look.
  6. Freeze frame: Kitties are playful and often the best shots are when they're on the move. Avoiding blur in your action shots means using higher shutter speeds. Higher settings mean that the shutter on your camera will open and close faster, thus "freezing" the action. If you have a manual setting on your camera, use faster shutter speeds such as 1/250, 1/500, or 1/1000. If your camera has preprogrammed settings, use the "Sports" setting. But be aware that faster shutter speeds require more available light, so don't try this is low light settings.
  7. A little overexposure is a good thing: Fur tends to absorb light, making photos darker and flatter. Err on the side of overexposure for more detail in your furry friend.
  8. It's all about relationships: Pets bring love and joy into our lives and it's in the relationships that those feelings are best conveyed. What does your cat best relate to? What does it care about? You...another pet in the family? It's favorite's food dish? Including these things in your shots will bring out your cat's personality as well as adding interest and emotion to your photographs.
  9. Print vs. web: How will you be using your photos? If you intend to make large, high quality glossy prints of your pet, make sure your camera is set on the highest resolution possible. This will allow you to enlarge your photographs for print without the dreaded "pixelation"! If you are shooting primarily for posting your pics on the internet, using a lower resolution on your camera will allow you to store more photos on your memory card as well as eating up less space on your computer.
  10. Keep pushing that button: With the invention of digital photography came the ability to take hundreds of photos without the expense of having the film developed. So take lots of pictures! Try different camera settings, experiment with different lighting, just have fun! It's free, and you will increase your chances of getting exactly that shot you're looking for.

Kittens Cats

Cat & Kitten Photography Tips For Cat Lovers - Photographing Your Pet & Cat Picture Taking Tutorial
Cat & Kitten Photography Tips For Cat Lovers - Photographing Your Pet & Cat Picture Taking Tutorial

Project: Rant - RANT 088: To My Fat Cat

Project: Rant - RANT 088: To My Fat Cat Tube. Duration : 1.88 Mins.

Feline obesity is a serious problem that affects us... well just this guy so far. Actor: Shannon McCormick

Keywords: rant, project rant, www projectrant com, rant video, cat, fat cat, cat food, kitten, kittens, caturday, obese, obesity, overweight, vet, craigslist

Blue Buffalo Wilderness Grain Free Canned Cat Food, Chicken Recipe (Pack of 24 3-Ounce Cans)

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Provides the added protection of BLUE?s exclusive LifeSource® Bits, a precise blend of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Includes only the finest natural ingredients and contains NO chicken or poultry by-product meals, artificial preservatives, corn, wheat or soy.
  • A sensible alternative to a raw diet

Stop the Cat From Peeing on Carpet - The Most Important Step to Make it Stop

There is nothing as frustrating as having a cat decide that it's litter box is no longer acceptable. If the cat instead picks your quilt or the carpet in your living room, you have a serious problem on your hands that needs to be sorted out as quickly as possible.

The first and most important step to stop your cat peeing on carpet is to bring him to the vet for a checkup. You need to first rule out that there isn't a medical cause behind his inappropriate urination. It is quite common in male cats for a blockage to form in their urethra that can quickly become a life threatening condition.

Kittens Cats

Don't let this happen by getting him to the vet in time!

Stop the Cat From Peeing on Carpet - The Most Important Step to Make it Stop

Your vet will want to know if your cat has a constant supply of fresh water. It is of vital importance just like with us humans that the cat drinks enough fluids to keep his system running smoothly.

If your cat does have a blockage, his peeing on the carpet is his only way of telling you something is wrong. Make sure you listen to these messages and quickly help alleviate your cat's distress.

Under normal circumstances, your cat WANTS to use his litter box and keep clean. Cats are meticulously clean animals and wouldn't normally pee outside their litter box unless something was wrong.

Your vet will also possibly put your cat on a special urinary diet that reduces the amount of crystals that can form in your cat's urethra. This food doesn't cost anymore than the normal variety and can work wonders for your cat's urinary health.

My wife and I brought our cat to the vet one afternoon after finding a wet spot on our quilt. It turned out that he did have a blockage and was put on a special diet on which he remains to this day. The thing is, this wasn't his first bout of "inappropriate urination".

A few years earlier we brought home a Golden Retriever puppy and our cat promptly decided that she wasn't welcome. How did he protest? You guessed it.

Stop the Cat From Peeing on Carpet - The Most Important Step to Make it Stop

Kitty Holster Cat Harness, Extra Small, Leopard Print

List Price : $24.95

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Ultra lightweight
  • Soft, non-abrasive 100-percent undyed cotton lining
  • Secure hook and loop closures
  • D-ring for attaching leash

Eagle Pack Natural Pet Food, Kitten Formula, 5-Pound and 14-Ounce Bag

List Price : $14.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • DHA, a fatty acid also found in mother's milk, helps support optimal development of the brain and eyes
  • Made with two aniimal proteins, which helps support healthy muscle development while providing a great flavor even finicky kittens love
  • Omega fatty acids from flaxseed help support healthy skin and developing coat
  • Fortified with a complete vitamin and mineral package; antioxidants like Vitamin C help support healthy immune function
  • No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives

Goodbye Kitty - Cat Box Carnage (Ep #2)

Goodbye Kitty - Cat Box Carnage (Ep #2) Tube. Duration : 2.57 Mins.

Check out all new Goodbye Kitty merchandise! - Goodbye Kitty has deposited a large, steamy episode into the YouTube litter box, and it's all for you! This new series was created by Todd Goldman.

Keywords: animation, cartoons, fuuny, comedy, goodbye, kitty, cat, funny, kitten, cats, hilarious, kittens, gbk, mondo, media, mini, shows, meow

K&H Kitty Kup Cat Bed, Small 16-Inch Round, Tan/Mocha

List Price : $25.50

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Reversible pillow
  • Entire bed is soft microfleece
  • Removable cover
  • Easy wash and care
  • Available in 2 sizes and 2 colors

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Joe Goes To A CAT SHOW

Joe Goes To A CAT SHOW Video Clips. Duration : 4.58 Mins.

Tweet it: - Facebook it: Buy a "Joe Goes" T-shirt: A visit to a cat show: Breeds, licking and crazy cat ladies. New videos every Wednesday. Subscribe. Follow Joe on Twitter: Add Joe on Facebook: Shot by Chase Darren - Up next: Joe Goes To PARACON - Monday, September 26

Tags: cats, kittens, lolcats, santa, monica, show, crazy, lady, pets, breeds, comedy, funny, badge, of, shame, joe, goes, hanson, kitty, cute

How To Stop Your Cat Spraying

The cat backs up to the door, lifts the tail and releases a fine spray of urine. Yes, your cat is spraying. You have a problem. But one you can solve.

Figures from the British Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors say that aggression in dogs and marking behavior in cats are the biggest behavior problems in the UK pet population.

Kittens Cats

Spraying is marking behavior, not a litter box problem. Sprayed cat urine contains pheromones, a substance that animals use to communicate. Combinations of pheromones work like fingerprints: they identify the cat.

How To Stop Your Cat Spraying

A spraying cat marks his or her territory with cat urine. It simply says: 'This is mine'. You may not like it, but getting angry doesn't help. It may even have an opposite effect: more spraying.

Cats in heat are attracted by the odor of cat urine. For them, spraying is something like an invitation to love. The results may be there in 65 days: a nest of cute little kittens.

Cats do not only spray during sexual encounters. Some also do it during conflicts with other felines, or when they are stressed.

For people the scent is far from pleasant. Thankfully most cats spray outside. But what if you have a cat spraying inside? Do something about it! And yes, that is possible.

The most radical and effective thing you can do is neutering or spaying your cat. Most castrated toms stopped spraying from the day they were operated.

But maybe you have a reason not to neuter your cat. In that case try to find out why your cat sprays.

Maybe it sprays only when it sees another cat. Solution: block the view. Or it sprays because of a conflict with another pet. Keep them separated and problems might be over.

If you don't know why your cat sprays, discuss it with your veterinarian. Chances are he will advice you to spay or neuter. But your vet can also check if there is a medical problem.

Anyway, do not leave this problem unsolved. Cat urine odor and stains can make your home a very uncomfortable place, and your cat will still remain a cat even when it doesn't spray anymore.

How To Stop Your Cat Spraying

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Origami Neko (cat) (Jo Nakashima)

Origami Neko (cat) (Jo Nakashima) Tube. Duration : 10.78 Mins.

UPDATE: I have a new video showing how to make this model: How to make a cute origami cat. Designed by Jo Nakashima. *neko (猫) means "cat", in japanese :D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MY FACEBOOK PAGE! Visit and "like it"! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tags: Origami, Neko, cat, Jo, Nakashima, gato, paperfolding, papiroflexia, dobradura, おりがみ, tutorial, howto, how-to, instructions, instructional video, diy, cute, gatinho, como, fazer, papel, instruções, paper, 折り紙, kitty, cats, kittens, crafts, arts

Cat Craft 124070 1-Story Condo Tower (Colors may vary)

List Price : $29.95

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Give your kitty a fun, safe environment in which to play
  • Earth-tone neutral colors fit any room décor
  • Ideal for all cats and kittens
  • Easy to assemble
  • Includes sisal scratching post, platform, and toy

CitiKitty Cat Toilet Training Kit

List Price : $29.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • No more messing with dirty litter or cleaning the litter box
  • Save thousands of dollars on kitty litter
  • Ideal for older cats, large cats, kittens over 3 months, and multiple-cat households
  • Works with all sizes and shapes of toilets
  • Includes training seat and insert, guide, tip card, and catnip


ROBOT CAT! Video Clips. Duration : 3.30 Mins.

LIKE or I'll pee on you.

Tags: cat7thst, cat, cats, kitty, kittys, cute, citten, robot, robot cat, funny, Kitten, Kittens, Meow, Pet, Pets, Animals, Funny Cats, Playing

Bombs Away - Gangsters Paradise - DUBSTEP COVER!

Bombs Away - Gangsters Paradise - DUBSTEP COVER! Tube. Duration : 5.07 Mins.

Bombs Away - Gangsters Paradise - DUBSTEP! SUPERSOAKER is available to pre-order NOW on iTunes! Get your copy before anyone else! Download from: tis a cover not a remix btw, its us singing:) If you want to receive the Bombs Away DJ promos, just shoot us a message on here and we'll include you in the track release mailouts with the club versions.

Keywords: Bombs, Away, MSTRKRFT, remix, electro, dj, dubstep, videos, house, cool, awesome, funny, parody, remake, fun, booty, bitches, viral, doing, party, sketchism, thomas, hart, jackness, strike3, official, boobs, electroautotune, mp3, autotuned, auto, tune, cute, kittens, cats, playing, lol, we, are, idiots, guetta, dance, chart, top, 40, daft, punk, club, electronic, pop, Jansen, Paris, Diamond, fruity, loops, tutorial, Desil, Tone, Def, jizz, in, my, pants, bootie, love, cream, 2010, MIX, big, good

Puss in boots cute moments cute Kitten (MEoW)

Puss in boots cute moments cute Kitten (MEoW) Tube. Duration : 2.78 Mins.

Sorry for quality... but is still the cutest thing i've ever seen

Tags: Puss, in, Boots, Cute (album), Album, Kitten, Cat, Best, New, Cats, Kitty, Geelong Football Club, Kitty Pryde, Kittens, Friend, Brand, Australia, Dog, funny, moments, humpty, dumpty, baby, Meow, Train, Sydney, Best Friend, Playing, Railway, Brand New, Class, Exclusive, Release

Understanding the Dangers of Intestinal Parasites in Cats and Kittens

Okay, so here is one of the topics of cat care that no one likes to talk about, but still needs to be covered, internal parasites. There are many different types of internal parasites that could potentially cause medical problems in your cat, some of the more common being hookworms, roundworms, coccidiosis, toxoplasmosis, and tape worms.

Even if you have had your cat wormed, she could still get roundworms or hookworms. What is even worse, your cat can pass these parasites on to her kittens. These nasty little bugs can cause diarrhea or other types of symptoms in a kitten, but most of the time they leave no trace that a kitten is infested. If you have children in the home, these little kittens can pass these worms onto them, which is one reason why it is so important to have new kittens seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Your vet will likely send you home with a prescription worm medication for the mother cat and the kittens, just in case. Laboratory tests are not one hundred percent accurate in detecting this type of parasite, particularly in young kittens, so it is better to treat them all, just to be on the safe side.

Kittens Cats

Another silent internal parasite that often preys on tiny kittens is coccidian, which like to party in the kittens intestinal lining, often causing no noticeable symptoms at all, and luckily, no harm to the kitten or anyone else in the family. In some cases, your kitten may have diarrhea, but usually the vet will not prescribe any medication, and will let nature handle the problem.

Understanding the Dangers of Intestinal Parasites in Cats and Kittens

Just about every woman who has even been pregnant before knows or has heard about cats and toxoplasmosis, as it can be extremely dangerous for anyone who comes into contact with infected litter, particularly a pregnant woman. Your cat can suffer from this deadly parasite at any age, and since it can also be passed to humans, it is extremely important that any pregnant woman avoid changing a litter box or coming in contact with cat litter boxes. These organisms can cause severe birth defects and other problems for an unborn child.

If at all possible, a pregnant woman who owns a house cat should have someone else empty and clean the cat litter box for her. If this is not possible, then extra care must be taken when the litter box must be changed and cleaned. Using disposable gloves to avoid skin contact with contaminated particles along with a dust mask to protect against inhaling airborne contaminants may reduce the risk; however it is well advised that a pregnant woman never change a litter box. Having your cat stay with a family member until after the baby is born is another way to help protect the unborn child.

Cats are exposed to toxoplasmosis when they eat any type of raw meat, whether it is from a rodent they have caught or from raw butcher scraps. These raw scraps could be from any type of meat, so it is best to avoid all table scraps for your kitty.

Your cat should be seen regularly by a veterinarian for health checkups. It should be noted however that you are the first line of defense for your beloved cat, and by reporting any changes in your cat's behavior, you may catch an infestation before it becomes life threatening for your kitty.

Understanding the Dangers of Intestinal Parasites in Cats and Kittens

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Kitty Holster Cat Harness, Small/Medium, Red Bandana

List Price : $24.95

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Ultra lightweight
  • Soft, non-abrasive 100-percent undyed cotton lining
  • Secure hook and loop closures
  • D-ring for attaching leash

Kitten suckles air *ORIGINAL*

Kitten suckles air *ORIGINAL* Video Clips. Duration : 1.25 Mins.

Our kitten likes to suckle on fleecy things as he thinks it's his mommy. Sometimes he forgets that he doesn't have anything in his mouth yet continues to suckle. This is one of those times. Follow me (the kitten) on facebook! Proceeds from the viewership go towards feeding our kitties, the rest gets donated to the ASPCA. So please, feel free to share this video link with others! Edit: I have received a lot of posts saying my cat has some health issue with him. Before you post anymore comments on that topic ask yourself these questions: 1) Are you a qualified pet health expert? 2) Do you know the medical history of this cat? 3) Do you know how the cat responds after doing this? 4) Do you think you can honestly diagnose anything based solely on a video? If you answered yes to ALL of those questions, then please feel free to give us advice on the care of our cat. If you answered no to ANY of those questions, please realize that you do not posses the expertise to make such claims. The cat has also been to our vet. and has checked out healthy. There is no need to tell me how to care for my cat and I respectfully ask you to keep your medical opinion to yourself. I cannot stress that enough. Also just to clarify for those who may be wondering our little boy was adopted from Cat City, which is affiliated with PAWS He was found abandoned on an island here in the Puget Sound and was brought there for care and to prepare him for being adopted. He was approximately ...

Keywords: kitten, suckles, suckle, air, nothing, cute, cat, kitty, kittycat, funny, hilarious, adorable, nice, precious, baby, animal, white, striped, black, brown, tongue, kitteh, flick, flicking, eyes, darting, licking, lick, stupid, retarded, smurgling, smurgle, fluffy, laughing, lalala, trolololo, stalker, tongues, talkative, perv, =3

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Kitty Caps, X-Small Hot Purple & Hot Pink : Cat & Kitten Cat (5 & less lbs) S...

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Technical Details
  • Kit Includes: 40 Kitty Caps, 2 Adhesive Tubes, 2 Applicator Tips and an instruction booklet

cat & lizard best friends charley & ozzy .wmv

cat & lizard best friends charley & ozzy .wmv Video Clips. Duration : 2.92 Mins.

my lizard (ozzy) and my cat (charley)

Keywords: forever, best friends, cat, cute, cats, lizard, Kitten, Kitty, Kittens, Meow, Funny

Kitten on a Keyboard - Sleepless in Seacattle

Kitten on a Keyboard - Sleepless in Seacattle Tube. Duration : 2.13 Mins.

Streaker alert! Subscribe to The Pet Collective: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Google+: Anime watches romantic comedies, praises Final Cut King, and documents a kitten trying to find her true self.

Keywords: kitten on a keyboard, kitten, kittens, cat, cats, keyboard, keyboard cat, sleepless in seacattle, lol, funny, cute, adorable, pet, pets, soccer, final cut king, hilarious, animal, animals, comedy, thepetcollective, petcollective, the pet collective, pet collective

Big Cat Play Fights Little Kitten

Big Cat Play Fights Little Kitten Video Clips. Duration : 9.92 Mins.

A flashback to yesteryear. Our cat, Big Daddy, play fights with Momma Cat when she was just a kitten. We all miss you, Big Daddy. Rest In Peace. :-) DISCLAIMER: This is a children oriented channel. If you leave vulgar or obscene comments, you will be blocked.

Tags: epic, dramatic, kittens, edk, funny, cute, talking, cats, comedy, pets, feline, hiccups, scratches, cuddles, hugs, farts, plays, jumps, falls, kitties, fart, burp, big, kitty, play, fights, little, kitten, rip, Teddy The Asshole Cat, 2 Weeks Old (Kitten Update), kootra, Spider, chases, laser, pointer, like, Dog, gets, excited, Drawer, Mouse, Maru, Bronx, Zoo, Caribbean, Flamingo, Chick, First, Steps, Cat, in, the, Bath, My, Neighbor's, had, Freak, Won't, Let, Go, Of, Meat

Cooper Cat Talking to Microwave

Cooper Cat Talking to Microwave Tube. Duration : 0.85 Mins.

Comedian Cooper often acts too silly, speaking non-stop in his high-pitched voice when there is something on his mind. When he heard the microwave humming away, he chimes in his own tune, perhaps hoping that the microwave will treat him with some yummies for the night. Too bad for Cooper that the contents of the microwave was not meant for him. Talk to Cooper at

Tags: Sweetfurx4, Cooper, cat, kitty, silly, funny, serenade, comedian, comedy, cats, humor, cute, pets, pet videos, kitten, kittens, meow

一緒に遊びたい子猫(kitten absolutely want to play together)

一緒に遊びたい子猫(kitten absolutely want to play together) Tube. Duration : 0.93 Mins.

Please register a Google+ Please register a Facebook 子猫ネタがまだあるので、ボウリングはもう少しまってくださいね!!。。

Tags: 子猫、, 猫, ねこ, ネコ, CAT, CATS, KITTEN

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Kitten on a Keyboard - Cat Elevator

Kitten on a Keyboard - Cat Elevator Video Clips. Duration : 2.27 Mins.

Anime has no idea how to use the elevator. Subscribe to The Pet Collective: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: Google+: Anime reviews a sad kitten, cat life jackets, cat suitcases, and cat special forces.

Tags: kitten on a keyboard, kitten, cat, cats, kittens, cute, lol, funny, comedy, elevator, adorable, adorbz, anime lillipuss, anime, marines, navy seals, tom clancy, water, swimming, cats swimming, cat swimming, life jacket, baby, sad kitten, whisker fairy, tooth fairy, easter bunny, santa, special forces, assassin, military

My Open Letter to Top Game Developers

My Open Letter to Top Game Developers Video Clips. Duration : 1.35 Mins.

The video says it all, champ. Also check out my shirts at: Special thanks to Suzy Berhow for coloring most of the frames. :)

Keywords: video, game, parody, satire, playstation, xbox, wii, nitendo, sony, microsoft, ubisoft, capcom, atlas, shrugged, blue, light, wars, puppy, kitten, cat, adorable, invasion, egoraptor, cartoon, animated, nes, snes, joystick, gaming, gamer, call, of, duty, ps3, gameplay, xbox360, animation, ps2, kitty, cats, cute, spoof, psp, trailer, kittens

Taste of the Wild Dry Cat Food, Rocky Mountain Feline Formula with Roasted Venison and Smoked Salmon, 15-Pound Bag

List Price : $39.49

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Made with real roasted venison and smoked salmon
  • supplemented with fruits and vegetables
  • natural antioxidants to support a healthy immune system

Max Kitten Roasted Chicken Flavor Kitten Food, 16-Pound

List Price : $26.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Natural ingredients with added vitamins, minerals, and taurine
  • Real chicken protein
  • Helps build strong muscles and bones
  • DHA fortified

4 Reasons Not to Declaw Your Kitten Or Cat

Kittens or cats are considered to be the most loveable and popular pets all over the world. It has become somewhat of a common practice these days, especially if your kitten or cat is an indoor pet to have them declawed.

If you already have a kitten or cat then you are well aware of the pain you can experience from being scratched and how destructive to your furniture and woodwork their claws can be. Unfortunately, it is in their nature to scratch and claw things but there are some things you can do to solve the problem.

Kittens Cats

With training and a lot of patience on your part, they can be trained to stop scratching furniture and woodwork all together or at least to a lesser amount. If you provide them with a scratching post and show them where it is located, most generally they will use the post from then on with only a few forgetful times on their part. At those times a little squirt from a bottle of water will remind them quite quickly that they are not supposed to scratch and claw there again.

4 Reasons Not to Declaw Your Kitten Or Cat

Their scratching place doesn't exactly have to be a post, you can cover a piece of wood with carpet and that will work just as well. They just need something to be able to scratch on and exercise their muscles.

4 Reasons Not To Declaw Your Kitten Or Cat.

1. Hunting. If your cat is an indoor cat, of course this really doesn't apply because they will not need to be hunting. But if the cat happens to get out of the house for any length of time, they would need their claws to hunt and catch something to eat. Just think if your cat got out of the house and had no way to find anything to eat until you found them or even worse if you never find them; they would starve to death.

2. Self-defense. Indoor cats would not have any reason for self-defense. But again if the cat gets out of the house, they will need their claws for self-defense and protection. Imagine a scared and lost cat that is used to living indoors all of the time is suddenly confronted by something and they have no way of protecting themselves or getting away.  With no claws, they cannot climb a tree to escape the danger they are in.

3. Climbing, kneading and extra tractionCats need their claws for climbing, kneading and extra traction.  What good is a scratching post or platform if they have nothing to climb on or knead with?  Training the cat not to climb in the house is also another part of the patience and training you have to go through.  Kneading is a cats' way of showing love and devotion to you.  Now wouldn't you miss that?  Traction is one of the most enjoyable reasons for owning a cat in the first place is to watch them run through the house and play.

4. Cruel and painful. This is the most important point of all of the 4 Reasons Not To Declaw Your Kitten Or Cat.  Declawing a cat is one of the most painful things they can go through.  It is basically amputating the last bone of the toes, along with tendons, nerves and muscles being removed times 10.  In comparison to a human, it is like cutting off the last joint of each finger.  Thinking in terms of your own fingers, how could you want to put an animal through that much pain and torture?

Trimming the claws does take time, patience and sometimes a little strength to hold them and may take several sessions but it is definitely preferable to trim the claws, versus declawing the cat.  Wrapping your cat in a large towel can help in holding them while you are trimming their claws and also prevent injury to yourself.  Be sure to do this in a well lit area so you can see where you are cutting.  Do not cut too far down into the pink area of the claw.  This will cause the cat pain and bleeding.

I wish you many years of fun and unconditional love between you and your cat.

4 Reasons Not to Declaw Your Kitten Or Cat

Kitten crying because she is so tired

Kitten crying because she is so tired Video Clips. Duration : 0.57 Mins.

This is my new Chocolate Point Siamese kitten on her first day home. She was so tired but she was fighting to stay awake cause she was still scared of being away from her mommy cat and in a new home with me. Finally she just fell asleep all worn out lol. Cute!

Tags: Siamese, Kitten, meowing, Chocolate Point Siamese, tired kitten

Blue Buffalo Spa Select Weight Control Dry Cat Food, Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe, 7-Pound Bag

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Technical Details
  • Provides the added protection of BLUE?s exclusive LifeSource® Bits, a precise blend of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Includes only the finest natural ingredients and contains NO chicken or poultry by-product meals, artificial preservatives, corn, wheat or soy.
  • A sensible alternative to a raw diet

SloMo Playtime Kitties | Too Cute

SloMo Playtime Kitties | Too Cute Video Clips. Duration : 2.47 Mins.

These Siberian kittens look even cuter in slow-mo! Tune in Saturdays @9pm on Animal Planet | For more visit

Tags: cute, adorable, clip, puppy, puppie, animals

Mara Carlyle "Pianni" - song from the IKEA cats commercial.

Mara Carlyle "Pianni" - song from the IKEA cats commercial. Video Clips. Duration : 2.43 Mins.

from her debut album 'The Lovely' available to buy here: - iTunes: - Accidental Records Shop photo by lucy pope

Keywords: Mara, Carlyle, Pianni, ikeacat, Herding, Cats, Kittens, IKEA

Friday, 17 August 2012

CuteWinFail. Ep 43: Trampoline Bros

CuteWinFail. Ep 43: Trampoline Bros Tube. Duration : 2.58 Mins.

Check out a cute cat fall when trying to get a string, an epic wave knocking an epic man down, and a bro having some fun on a trampoline. For more CuteWinFail clips subscribe here: Here it is: Music by Malte Hagemeister and Urban Delights

Tags: cutewinfail, Cute, Win, fail, cwf, toby turner, toby, tobuscus, cat, cats, kitten, kittens, play, plays, fall, falls, falling, wave, waves, water, guy, guys, man, men, boat, boats, trampoline, trampolines, tramp, tramps, back flip, back flips, funny, funny video, funny videos

Male Cat Names - Naming Your Cute, Or Less Cute, Kitten

Whether you are naming a bruised, ear chewed ex-tomcat off the street or the cutest little kitten, they both need a name they can be proud of.

So how do you choose good male cat names?

Kittens Cats

Let me tell you a story... Once upon a time a couple out for an evening walk heard a plaintive cry. High in a tree they discovered the smallest of kittens. Incredibly the kitten came down and over time became a most loved house cat. The story? This cat was blessed with a very special name, Quercus. Why Quercus? Because he was found within the branches of a noble oak tree, and the oak's Latin name is Quercus.

Male Cat Names - Naming Your Cute, Or Less Cute, Kitten

What has this to do with you and your naming quest? Think back. Let your imagination track back in time. Ask yourself if your boy cat or kitten might have a trigger word that could produce his future name. Did he walk in off the street? Tramp. Is he a street fighter? Slugger. Does he keep running up trees? Monkey. Did he do anything funny when you first got him? Guzzler or Guzzy for short.

Fresh out of inspiration or creativity for great boy cat names? Go for the looks.

It's almost embarrassing to admit but a big black tough cat that limped in off the street is now called Black Boy. Or, more poetically on his vet papers, Garcon Noir. Admittedly a more original name could have been found, but Black Boy he is, and will remain. Don't know if I'll ever live it down but another tiny kitten of mine with stripes grew up to be called - Stripey.

Still nothing?

Go for more color based cat names then! A marmalade cat could be called Cornflakes. A black cat male cat name could be Topper (slang for the top hat perhaps). Need a white cat name? Check out words from the frozen north - Blizzard or Igloo, for example, or perhaps town, country or ski resort names - Aspen, Telluride or Zermatt - that are synonymous with snow. Your cat's a bit of both? Tux, perhaps, or Zebra (if somehow you've ended up with a striped cat!)

How about famous male cat names? Borrow a name from a celebrity or famous person - or even cat.

Colette had many cats through her life, for a name with an exotic French ring Muscat and Petiteu could be considered, but there are so many more. Presidential association? Then Socks might suit. More? King, Prince and Rocky perhaps. And if you have a ginger cat who wants to be famous, there's always... Garfield.

What about a cute male cat name? Puffin, Pumpkin and Sooty all sound adorable.

For lovers of witchy tales and of things that go bump in the night, you can come up with amazing other-worldly names: why not Bat, Spook, Merlin or Druid for your mystical new cat?

You might think some of these names are just too fussy or even over the top, so you'll want something a bit more popular. In Britain, Chester has a certain gravitas, Skipper and Smudge sound down to earth enough. All were voted highly popular. In the US? Harley and Max perhaps.

I wish you well in your search for the best male cat names, go on make his day! give him a name to be proud of!

Male Cat Names - Naming Your Cute, Or Less Cute, Kitten


CAT VS DOG Tube. Duration : 9.62 Mins.

Check out Carly and Brian's channel Follow us on Twitter: Facebook: Jesse's Google + T-shirts Download end song: Our Mailing address: PrankvsPrank PO Box 2106 Voorhees, NJ 08043

Tags: bfvsgf, bf vs gf, Jesse, Jeana, vlog, pvp, Prankvsprank, girlfriend, boyfriend, vlogging, video Blogging, Daily, Journal, funny couple, Nylah, cat, kitten, cats, Kitty, Cute, Kittens, Meow, Pet, Pets, dog, cookie, cookies, cookie dance, dope freshness, Chocolate, Cake, Wow, Rain, Candy, Food, Blogs, World, Warcraft, Barry, Tay, World Of Warcraft, Milk, Cheese, Eating, Pie, Chips, Sugar, Chip, Bread