Saturday, 30 June 2012

Are Cats Smarter Than Dogs?

For as long as I can remember I have heard that dogs are much smarter than cats.

However, I have felt that just because a dog will do tricks and most cats don't, is not reason enough to say cats are not smart.

Kittens Cats

My theory has always been that cats are so smart that they won't learn any tricks unless they want to.

Are Cats Smarter Than Dogs?

It is not something they have to do.

Dogs by nature are social animals and their main goal in life besides eating, is to please their people.

Cats on the other hand lack the "gene" that makes it important to please anyone, but themselves.

Why have I brought this subject up?

Well I read an article that discussed feline intelligence in Cat Watch, a magazine put out by Cornell's School of Veterinary Medicine.

It went on to say, at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, researchers have found that the structure of a cat's brain and that of a human brain are very similar.

To quote the article "the physical structure of our brain and that of cats are very similar: they have the same lobes in the cerebral cortex (the seat of intelligence) as we do. Our brains function the same way, conveying data via identical neurotransmitters."

What that means, is our cats take in data from the 5 senses and process it just like we do.

Hmmmmm, thinking cats. Who would ever believe that?

But, it is true, cats process things in a way similar to our way of thinking. They actually make decisions.

Animal says that cats are: "incredibly resourceful and self-reliant, the species has survived thousands of years in radically different environments and living conditions. Even domestic cats show a crafty, strong-willed and versatile nature."

There is so much about cats that we take for granted or if the truth be known, we don't even think about.

When we see a cat sitting in a doorway or staring off into space, we just laugh at it, not realizing that the cat is actually thinking about what it is going to do next.

The cat is surveying the situation, using its 5 senses to determine whether it is safe or not to move onward.

We think of a cat as a somewhat anti-social animal because it is solitary by nature, but cats can adapt to conditions just as we do.

"The fact that a cat can adapt to different situations is a sign of intelligence, that goes beyond conditioning or instinct," says Dr. Julia Albright of Cornell's Veterinary School.

Cats do socialize with each other, if the situation warrants it: such as meeting at an eating or drinking place (the barn, fishing pier or where someone feeds stray cats.)

Did you know that domesticated female cats and lions are the only two species of cat that will raise their young in a group with other mothers, if it is necessary?

Cats also learn by observation.

Just because kitty is sitting there staring into space does not mean it is daydreaming. It may be learning, by watching you, how to open the cupboard door.

Kittens that are raised without their mother or other cats to observe, do not do a lot of things we consider normal behavior for cats.

Cats also retain memory, they are smart enough to know when they are scolded not to do that behavior in front of you again. They will wait until your back is turned.

Dogs on the other hand will repeat a bad behavior several times, before it finally sinks in that they are not supposed behave that way.

We will all agree that dogs are easier to train to do tricks than cats, but dogs have the predisposition to please and learning tricks is one way to please.

Cats can learn tricks, but it is harder to get them to do things, unless you provide a reward that is really appealing.

There is also the thought that dogs have been selectively bred for certain behaviors, cats have been cats forever.

There has not been a time when a cat has been selectively bred to hunt, catch birds or play only with blue yarn balls.

I agree that the particular breeds of cat have been kept as pure as possible, but have you ever heard of a cat species being bred to do a chore such as "rounding up mice."

In truth I guess it is impossible to say which species is smarter, dogs or cats, but I will leave you with this thought, "dogs have masters, cats have staff."

Need I say more?

Are Cats Smarter Than Dogs?

A Cat's Tail Tells All

Have you ever wondered what your cat is feeling? Did you know that you can tell by the movement of their tail? A cat will convey their emotions through a simple motion of their tale. Just as we can show our feelings without talking through our body language, cats do the same with their tail.

Now to interpret their movements is going to allow you to know exactly what your cat is feeling or experiencing at that moment. This will also help you to leave a cat alone who does not want to be bothered or shower them with love when they want attention.

Kittens Cats

When your cat's tail is swishing violently back and forth, sometimes called a Sword Tail, it is your indicator that they are agitated or anxious. This movement is also a warning that they could attack at any time. When you see your cat moving its tail in this motion you want to either leave it be and let it relax. You can also try to get its attention away from you or whatever is agitating it, by tossing a toy for it to play with.

A Cat's Tail Tells All

A cat will curl up with its tail tucked all around it, showing that it is content. They may also want to keep to themselves for awhile in this position. Wrapping their tail around them also allows them to keep their feet warm and protected.

The tip of your cat's tail will also tell you a lot when you are watching it. If your cat's tail is lowered but the tip is curved upward, also known as the Tip-Off, it could mean that it is very nervous or unsure about its surroundings for something that has gotten its attention. You will want to approach your cat with caution when you see its tail in this position as it could get aggressive. You can soothingly talk to your cat to calm it down. If it continues to hold the tail with the tip curved upward give it space to calm down.

There is one tail position that will portray different emotions depending on other movements of your cat; this position is holding the tail straight up. If your cat is holding its tail straight up or curling slightly means it is in a friendly mood or really happy to see you. When a tail is straight up but quivering, your cat is showing its love. I have only seen this particular tail position in one of my cats. Cuddles used to jump on my lap and her tail would be straight up and quivering, it was a good feeling knowing that she loved me so much. You do however want to watch out for your cat when their tail is straight up and fully bristled, it is angry and is telling you to "Watch Out."

Another tail movement that has more than one meaning is when your cat is swishing its tail back and forth. If the swishing movement is rapid and forceful, your cat is not in the mood to play. However, the opposite is true if the movement is gentle. A swishing motion is often an indication that something has caught your cat's attention. It could be thinking about pouncing on a toy or climbing a tree.

There is one movement that may appear cute or harmless, but if your cat is against something with its tail straight up and quivering it could mean that it is marking that object. This type of tail movement is an indication that it is spraying. If you catch your cat backing up to an object, get its attention away from spraying.

Have you seen your cat's tail bush out to make it look larger than it really is? I have seen this type of tail movement in all of my cats. It is done when they are frightened or very irritated. I have only seen my cats' tail in the bushy position when they get frightened, and it usually occurs when something catches them by surprise.

Another movement that only involves the tip of the tail is a tick tock motion. If the tip of the tail is sharply moving from side to side it is a very good sign that your cat is very irritated and that it wants to be left alone.

Knowing the different movements that your cat's tail make is good to know, but what if your cat does not have a tail? There are breeds of cats that do not have tails, and a cat can also lose its tail in an accident. So how do you know what they are saying? If you have a cat without a tail, listen to its meow, purring, or watch how it is arching its back. It will show you what it is trying to tell you without its tail.

A Cat's Tail Tells All

Cats 101- Tonkinese

Cats 101- Tonkinese Video Clips. Duration : 2.77 Mins.

More Cats 101 Video: | Tonkinese are lively, friendly, often talkative cats that live well in apartments.

Keywords: cats, information, kitty, kittens, pets, kitteh

How to Treat Cat Eye Infections - Secrets From a Holistic Veterinarian

Many cats have chronic problems with conjunctivitis (inflammation of the eye membranes). Often, the problem comes and goes. One or both eyes may be red, swollen, watery, crusty, or goopy. Causes include infection, congenital defects (small or absent tear ducts), facial conformation (Persian features), and scarring from previous infections. However, the most common cause of conjunctivitis in cats is infection with a Herpes virus (but don't worry, your cat can't give it to you or your family!). In cats, Herpes is an upper respiratory virus; it's also called "rhinotracheitis" and is one of the components of the upper respiratory/panleukopenia (feline distemper) vaccine that is given to kittens. The vaccine does not actually prevent Herpes infection; its main function is to reduce the severity of the disease.

Virtually all cats are exposed to Herpesvirus as kittens. For most cats, no further problems occur. However, Herpes is a sneaky virus, and it likes to lie dormant until it gets a chance to get one up on the immune system. Because stress suppresses the immune system, cats under stress are particularly susceptible to recurrent Herpes flare-ups. Herpes is irritating and painful, and usually causes quite a bit of redness, puffiness, and a watery discharge or brownish crusty matter at the corners of the eyes. It often attacks only one eye, producing a lopsided squint. Often the cat will squint against bright light, or try to avoid it altogether.

Kittens Cats

There are several holistic treatment options for Herpes. One of the simplest is l-lysine, an amino acid that is inexpensive and readily available at the health food store. It comes in capsules or tablets, usually 500 mg. Capsules are much easier to work with, if you can get them. The dose is 500 mg twice a day for 5 days (total 1,000 mg/day). Lysine has a slightly salty taste, and is easily disguised by mixing with canned cat food or baby food. That seems like a lot--but that's what it takes to work. Once the acute episode is under control, a maintenance dose of 250 mg per day can be given indefinitely.

How to Treat Cat Eye Infections - Secrets From a Holistic Veterinarian

To relieve irritation and wash viral particles from the eye, you can make a homemade saline solution. Use 1/4 teaspoon of table salt to 1 cup of water (room temperature). Three or four times a day, use a cotton ball to drizzle a small amount saline into the cat's eyes. Make the saline fresh each and every time, because bacteria could grow in the solution between treatments.

There is a human homeopathic formula that works very well, and very quickly, for cats. It's called "The Herpes Formula" by Aeura. Dissolve one tablet in a 1-ounce dropper bottle filled with a mixture of 80% water and 20% vodka (as a preservative), shake well, and give about half a dropperful by mouth once or twice a day. (Do NOT put it in the eyes!) If you make up a 1-ounce batch, it will last several weeks. It may seem a bit expensive up front, but one bottle of The Herpes Formula will provide years of treatment.

Another surprisingly effective treatment is "Willard Water." This is a catalyst that theoretically changes the molecular structure of water. It is usually available at health food stores. Follow the directions on the bottle to make up a gallon at a time. Use this as the only source of drinking water for your cat. Or, add a few drops of the concentrate to your cat's wet food. The effects are not scientifically explainable, but they are usually immediate--within a day or two--and dramatic.

Because herpes flare-ups are commonly stress-related, flower essences are an important part of treatment. Flower essences can provide emotional stability against stress and energetic support to the immune system.

Long-term nutritional support with antioxidants and other immune boosting supplements will also help prevent recurrences. Alternative treatment with homeopathy, herbs, or homotoxicology can also be very helpful.

If symptoms worsen, or persist more than a few days, have your cat checked by your veterinarian. Herpes can cause serious corneal ulcers that may result in loss of vision if untreated.

How to Treat Cat Eye Infections - Secrets From a Holistic Veterinarian

Kittens Fight Over Easter Egg

Kittens Fight Over Easter Egg Video Clips. Duration : 1.05 Mins.

Kittens Fight Over Easter Egg. Fun Fact: Cats think Easter is a threat to their own religion, but they don't know what their religion is.

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No More Stillborn Kittens - Know How To Care For A Pregnant Cat

'I named all kittens, although they were all stillborn.' 'My pregnant cat has a bloody vaginal discharge.' 'I had a litter of five, but only one kitten survived.'

These are only a few of the horror stories I received the past weeks. Cat lovers that had hoped for a healthy litter, suddenly found themselves with stillborn kittens or an ill mother cat.

Kittens Cats

There's a lot that can go wrong when cats are pregnant or give birth, even when most cats deliver without major problems.

No More Stillborn Kittens - Know How To Care For A Pregnant Cat

Among the dozens of possible complications are infections in the womb, death of the fetuses, spontaneous abortion, development of fetuses outside the womb, suffocation of a kitten right after birth, kittens that get stuck in the birth canal ... it's a long list.

For experienced breeders and specialized vets it's easy to recognize such problems. But things are different for a regular pet lover. Many female cats have only one litter during their life.

Some people rush off to the vet when their pregnant cat is only a little tired of walking around. Others wait too long because they are unaware of the discharge from their cat's vagina. Or they don't know how to cut an umbilical cord without causing a heavy bleeding.

Where it all comes down to, is this: if you know how to recognize complications, you can do a lot to prevent the worst. Seeing a vet might not even be necessary then - which is not only good news for your cat, but also for your budget.

And if you have the right skills, you can save a kitten's life when something goes wrong during birth. Yes, even you can obtain these skills!

Time is of the essence with most medical issues. But when you have a pregnant pet, educating yourself is just as important.

Spend time on reading about pregnancy in cats. Talk with a professional breeder. Ask your vet for advice once you realize your cat is pregnant.

Don't sit back and think all goes well. With a little time and effort, you can save yourself and your cat a devastating experience.

No More Stillborn Kittens - Know How To Care For A Pregnant Cat

Kittens on a Slide

Kittens on a Slide Tube. Duration : 1.02 Mins.

Kittens that are living in my old playhouse are learning how to go down the slide. Momma Dove isn't happy about it. Added notes: The cat gave birth up there, I didn't put them up there. I blocked off the top of the slide, they got around it, I blocked it off better, and finally kept them safe. They got on the slide themselves and even after falling off when I wasn't there, they still kept getting back on. I did help the kitten at the end back up. I love my babies, so shut up about the animal abuse crap. I have disabled comments.

Keywords: kitten, kittens, slide, cute

Why Does My Cat Bite Me - And How Do I Stop It?

Cat biting is the second most common cat behavioral problem after inappropriate cat peeing. Many cat owners just do not understand cat biting behavior, and fail to deal with it properly. Some owners get into a bad relationship with their cats, and end up putting them under. This is very sad. Do not let this happen to you and your cat.

The first question you want to ask yourself is: Does the biting draw blood, and when does it happen? If your cat bites you very often, and frequently draws blood, this is a behavior you want to stop. The best way is to carry a squeeze bottle of water with you. Anytime you are bitten, immediately spray a little bit of water at your cat's face. You want to lightly shock kitty, not drench it. This sends a message to him that biting is not appropriate behavior. If you do this immediately and consistently, you will eventually break your cat of this problem behavior.

Kittens Cats

Sometimes, you are having fun with kitty, either petting him or playing with him, and he suddenly bites you. You want to take note of his body language - is he sending you a message to "STOP!", or has he just switched to a different game? If he is telling you to stop, then you should stop. Maybe he has gotten bored, or just wants to do something else. You need to respect your cat - that is the only way to have a good relationship with him. On the other hand, if he has switched to a different game, then the ball is in your court. Do you want to play this new game, where he bites you? Or do you want to stop?

Why Does My Cat Bite Me - And How Do I Stop It?

Now, you need to know the difference between your cat biting you and nipping you. One draws blood, the other does not. Cat bites which draw blood can be potentially dangerous, and is a behavioral problem you should stop. If kitty just nips you playfully, or gnaws on your knuckles or toes, he is just showing that he loves you. All of you new cat owners out there - this is NOT a problem. Repeat: this is not a problem.

Some cats just do not know how to control their strength. Sometimes, they were removed from their litter-mates or mother too early, and never learned that biting too hard is wrong. Other times, it is the fault of their owners. You may have unknowingly encouraged the cat biting problem. Either way, playtime can get pretty painful - unless you start using cat toys. A plushie or soft, stuffed toy is good. Let kitty play and wrestle with it instead of your fingers. You will both have fun without the pain. Another good toy is a little ball which bounces well. Or something which you can drag along the ground and let your cat chase after it.

Remember, do not over-react when your cat bites you. You need to be sensitive to your cat's moods - is the biting a message, and when is it a behavior problem you need fix?

Why Does My Cat Bite Me - And How Do I Stop It?

Friday, 29 June 2012

SmartCat Ultimate Scratching Post

List Price : $74.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Durable post allows cats to get a full stretch
  • Made with fibrous, durable sisal that naturally inspires scratching
  • 32 inches high to allow cat to stretch vertically
  • Assembles easily with 2 included screws
  • Sturdy base eliminates tipping and wobbling

Feeding Kittens - When Are They Ready For Solid Food?

It can be confusing to know when newborn kittens are ready for each particular kind of kitten food, but there are a few basic guidelines that you can follow that make the process much easier. If the mother cat is available, she is already providing the best food available for them when they are first born. As they grow up, however, you will slowly transition them toward a healthy, wet kitten food that they can eat on their own. This is done in discrete steps that are easy to follow.

Step 1
Newborn kittens will look to their mother for all the nutrition they will need. As long as you see to her needs, you will need to worry very little about what the kittens are eating. All you will have to do is monitor them and make sure that they are nursing. If they are not doing this or the mother is deceased or unavailable, you will need to feed them every hour or two with a special liquid kitten food provided by your veterinarian.

Kittens Cats

Step 2
At about four weeks of age, your kittens will be ready to move on to the next phase. Mix quality canned kitten food thoroughly with liquid formula until it reaches the consistency of a thick milkshake. Place this in a bowl and lure the kittens to it either by placing a bit of it on your finger or on a small rubber nipple.

Feeding Kittens - When Are They Ready For Solid Food?

Step 3
When the kittens are six weeks old, start reducing the amount of formula in their food mix. They should be eating on their own from the bowl at this point and their teeth should be coming in nicely. Over the course of about two weeks, you will steadily reduce the amount of formula until they are eating entirely canned kitten food.

Step 4
You can start transitioning your kittens to dry kitten food when they are about eight weeks of age by mixing it with wet and steadily increasing the ratio of dry to wet. Dry food is not particularly healthy for cats, however. Cats are carnivorous creatures and dry food tends to contain a large amount of grains, which can lead to feline diabetes and other health problems.

Feeding Kittens - When Are They Ready For Solid Food?



★MORE VIDEOS HERE: ★★TWEET THIS VIDEO HERE: Aren't they just freak'n adorable!? Donate to your local humane society here: All content is original. Additional Tags: "cutest kittens ever" "sleeping kittens" "adorable kitten" "cat video" "best cat videos" "cat videos on youtube" "cat videos on the internet" "cat videos for children" "cat videos for kids" "stalker cat" "cutest kitten videos" "how to fall asleep fast" "absolute best cat videos" "cat videos with sound effects" "speaking cats" "cat video song" "kitty cat" kitten cute clips comedy "amazing cat videos" "annoying cat videos" "box of kittens" "best cat videos ever" yt:quality=high viral cat video

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Lindsey Pavao - Take Me Out (Cover ft.Mr. Nicholas Frankel and Kittenz)

Lindsey Pavao - Take Me Out (Cover ft.Mr. Nicholas Frankel and Kittenz) Video Clips. Duration : 3.60 Mins.

Kittens sleeping, Franz Ferdinand, and many whiskey cokes later...this happened. Directed/flimed by Clayton Steacker

Tags: Lindsey, Pavao, Take me out, Franz Ferdinand, the voice, Christina Aguilera, the pineapple room, kittens, cute kittens, sleeping kittens, orange kittens, cats, botchy, fence cat, barbershop quartets are cool, two pairs of love handles, folk cover, indie cover

Getting Your New Kitten To Trust You

New kittens can be very scared and shy at first. While some are gluttons for affections right from the get go, others may be more cautious and might shy away from you. Some might want to find a secluded corner or closet to hide in. If your new kitten is acting this way, don't feel bad as this is not uncommon behavior. Here's some things you can do to get your kitten used to interacting with humans.

1. Put the kitten in a small room where there are no hiding spots. Be aware that kittens can climb into very small spaces (I once had one climb in a cabinet hole nex to the dishwasher!). They should be in the room by themselves with no other pets. Start them off in a cage with enough room for them to run around a bit. Put a box in the cage to allow them to go into if they need to a little security. The cage can be partly covered with a blanket or towel to help them feel safer. Using a pheromone spray like Feliway at one spray per day will help too - just do not spray it around the litter box.

Kittens Cats

2. Remember that the kitten is a small scared animal and you need to act according to the animal world. This means that you should not stare in at the kitten. Staring is predatory behavior and will scare your kitten. When you look at him, make sure you blink a lot and turn your head often. Practice trying to touch the kitten after he has been in the cage a couple of days. If he is not receptive to your hand right away, try using something like a back scratcher to rub their fur. Attempt to move your hand down the back scratcher to get closer to the kitten as you try this.

Getting Your New Kitten To Trust You

3. Spend just a little time with the kitten at first and increase that time as the days go by. A kitten needs at least two hours per day of interaction time with you. One person should do this at first, probably for the first 5-7 days you have had the kitten. Then one or more other people can be added to help the kitten get used to being around more people. Use a toy in your hand to play with the kitten and get him used to being close to your hand. Move your hand closer to the kitten when you hold the toy until you can touch him. Giving the kitten a special food treat also helps them get used to you being close to them.

4. Playing a talk radio station softly can help the kitten get used to human voices.

5. After the kitten starts letting you touch him you can start to let him run around outside of the cage. You may take the litter box out of the cage now and put the litter box and food at opposite sides of the room. Spray the Feliway around the room now. Do not spray it near the litter box. Start playing with them by using toys they like such as newspaper balls and string toys. This play time will turn into them looking forward to your return to play more with them. Do not forget to touch occasionally and pet them during play time.

6. After a time, just sit in the room with the kittens and do what you want to - like read, watch TV or use your computer. This will help them get used to people that are not there just to pay attention to them. Then after a while, start to play with them. Try to bring in other people in the room with them more often and for at least 30 minutes at a time. The other people should try to play with the kittens and also try to pet them.

If you have a shy kitten, it's important to make an effort to help him come out of his shell. If you do nothing, the kitten may never get used to people and grow up to be a cat that hides all the time.

Getting Your New Kitten To Trust You

Minecraft 1.2 Update Preview: New Mob AI

Minecraft 1.2 Update Preview: New Mob AI Tube. Duration : 22.20 Mins.

In this video, I show you some interesting experiments I made using Minecraft Snapshot 12w05b. The new mob AI holds huge potential for innovative mob traps, funny games or even art. Get the latest Snapshot: Music: Docm's Theme - Chaosclub22 www

Tags: Minecraft, docm77, docm, minecraft update 1.2, snapshot, cats, ocelot, creeper, ai, kitty, funny, katze, rage quit, Cat, Kitten, Cute, Kittens, Video Game, Scary, Weird, Creepy, minecraft snapshot, snapshot 12w05a, Cute kitty, updates, preview, new, epic, feature, funny cats, mojang, notch, baby jaguar, jeb, stop, reign, coward, Trailer, new minecraft features, jaguar, wild cat, big cat, own, ownage, pwnd, powned, pownage, new weakness, npc, village, villager, skeleton, zombie, Wildcat, Owned, test, experiment, new mob trap

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Cats With Liver Disease - The Symptoms and How To Prepare The Best Diet For Them

It is difficult to identify if a cat is suffering from liver disease because the signs and symptoms are difficult to spot. Showing non-specific symptoms, some might show decrease in appetite, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, depression and jaundice. (Jaundice in cats can be seen by the yellow discoloration of the skin at the base of the ear, and the whites of the eyes.

While other cats pass off pasty looking stool and display inappropriate urination and defecation behavior, according to Dr. Richard Pitcairn, author of the "Complete Guide to the Natural Health for Dogs and Cats," Rodale Press. This happen because fatty liver disease causes the liver to be is weighed down by rapid fat accumulation and simply shut down.

Kittens Cats

In some cases, Dr. Richard mentions that cat owners who use the free feeding method, and has more than one cat must be more vigilant. As it's more difficult to note if your cat is eating regularly, fatty liver disease can develop rapidly in a cat's body if he stops feeding for a week or two. This would be a serious case and immediate medical care would be needed.

Cats With Liver Disease - The Symptoms and How To Prepare The Best Diet For Them

Immediate medication treatment is necessary for the recovery of liver disease. The treatment would depends on the cause and may include antibiotics, coagulation treatment for bleeding disorder, intravenous fluid therapy, appetite stimulants, anti-emetics and diet management.

When preparing a diet plan for a cat with liver disease, note that he would require a high-quality protein diet in moderate amount, with most of the cat's caloric intake coming from non-protein sources. If you are preparing your own food, it is recommended that the diet be based around eggs, cottage cheese, rice and liver. Your cat may also need multivitamin supplement.

Commercial restorative foods for felines suffering from with liver disease include Hill's Feline L/D formula. Royal Canin has several different formulas for hepatic disease, and your veterinarian can help you decide which is best for your cat depending on its current condition. Small, easily digestible and frequent meals are generally recommended. Many experts also recommend organic foods because they are not exposed to chemicals, artificial colors or preservatives.

You might also want to ask your veterinarian if you should add digestive enzymes and S-adenyl-methionine supplement to your cat's diet. Remember that in order to support your cat's liver function; you will have to plan a proper suitable diet that is fresh, organic, with low and quality protein and certainly low fat.

Cats With Liver Disease - The Symptoms and How To Prepare The Best Diet For Them

Why Does My Cat Bite My Hand When I Stroke Her?

You have settled into your favorite armchair, perhaps reading the final chapters of a gripping novel. Suddenly you are aware of the imploring stare of your cat sitting at your feet. You invite her onto your lap. Gently you begin to stroke her and your cat signals her appreciation with an audible purr.

One hand holding your book the other hand continuing to pet your mouser, you again get lost in your novel. All is well in the world with you and with your cat.

Kittens Cats

Suddenly your cat bites your hand!

Why Does My Cat Bite My Hand When I Stroke Her?

Why did kitty do that? Why did she bite the hand that strokes her?

The experts don't agree on exactly why it is that some cats enjoy being petted, but end up biting. One thing that they do agree on is that when kitty bites at you, it's a sure sign that she has decided that she's had enough stroking.

Cats differ in the amount of petting they will accept, and not all cats respond by biting when they have had enough. Some cats simply jump from your lap and saunter off to investigate interests anew. But many cats will nip you and your animal is one of them.

Could you have known that a bite was on its way? Yes, there are often signs that cats give before biting. And, if you had not been so wrapped up in reading your novel, you may have paid heed to your little pets warning.

If kitty's tail begins to twitch, in a rolling flick, watch out! She's getting ready to chomp at your hand.

If your cats ears start turning towards the back of her head, or flatten against her head, that's a warning a bite is coming.

If your cat suddenly becomes restless, or stiffens and stares at your hand, she could be about to nip you.

If you noticed any of these signals, simply stop stroking your cat. Your pet will either stay on your lap or jump down and walk off, whichever happens you don't get bitten.

What you should not do is punish your cat for biting your hand. That simply does not work. Cats are more likely to identify the punishment with you rather than with their bad cat behavior. If you miss a warning sign and kitty manages to get her jaws around your hand, try to resist the temptation to pull your hand away or push your cat away. Simply freeze. Chances are that your cat will not sink her teeth in, she has got her message across, and you have stopped petting her.

If you try and push your cat away it is likely that she will fight with your hand resulting in skin punctures for you. (An animal bite can become infected quite easily, if your cat does draw blood clean up the wound scrupulously and seek the advice of your doctor.)

Why do some cats behave in this aggressive way? The degree of tolerance to petting may be genetic, or it may be learned behavior. If when your cat was a kitten you allowed her to chew on your hand in play, she learned that biting human hands was an OK thing to do. So, when she feels that she has had enough stroking (she's the boss remember,) she will bite at your hand to let you know - if you ignore her warning signals.

Some experts recommend the use of healthy tidbits, as a reward, in order to increase the time your cat will tolerate stroking. At the first warning signal offer kitty a treat, continue to stroke your cat gently for a time and offer her another reward. It is said that your cat will learn to connect petting with the tidbits and may, with patience, allow you to pet her for longer periods.

Why Does My Cat Bite My Hand When I Stroke Her?

How to Draw a Cat Anime Style~

How to Draw a Cat Anime Style~ Tube. Duration : 6.27 Mins.

Yes, Youtube deleted my old video and I don't have tha other video anymore, so I made a new one, not any better but hopefully not worst oTL I hope my writing is ya, learn a thing or two and enjoy? I guess, okay good night oTL DEVIANTART!!! Free LineArt: Songs; Ave Maria And Pachelbel Canon in D

Keywords: how, to, draw, cat, tutorial, anime, style, free, new, cats, cute, kitten, drawing, kittens, naruto, kitty

maine coon kitten

maine coon kitten Tube. Duration : 1.85 Mins.

Nord-Westlad http

Tags: kittens, hamster, katze, kitten, wildlife, cat, cats, kitty, cute, dog, funny, pets, pet



This is the first time we had seen the new kittens out playing and apart from their mother. They are living under the wood pile at the back of our house. One is way more brave than the others and is now nearly tame. They are almost identical and are to be called, Fluff Ball, Beauty and Injun. Hope you like it and thanks for watching.

Keywords: Cute, Kittens, Cat, Cats, Play, Kitten, Fluffy, Soft, Cuddly

SmartCat 3833 Peek-a-Prize Pet Toy Box

List Price : $29.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Heavy-duty wood toy box to hide toys inside
  • Keeps curious cats mentally and physically sharp
  • Works with almost any appropriately sized toy or catnip
  • Encourages cats? natural predatory behavior
  • Rotate toys for extra fun


WE DRINKING JUICE SAAAN! Tube. Duration : 9.27 Mins.

Follow us on Twitter: Facebook: Jesse's Google + T-shirts Download end song: Our Mailing address: PrankvsPrank PO Box 2106 Voorhees, NJ 08043

Keywords: bfvsgf, bf vs gf, Jesse, Jeana, vlog, pvp, Prankvsprank, girlfriend, boyfriend, vlogging, video Blogging, Daily, Journal, christmas shopping, toys, presents, Christmas, Toy, Gift, Playing, Holiday, mall, store, shopping, target, super, hero, marvel, fun, pet, cat, kitten, kitty, food, Cats, Cute, Marvel Comics, Network, Spiderman, Kittens, dinner, rice, fried, box, cute kitten, kitty cat

Mikey the Cat.... Mikey Vs. The Squirrel

Mikey the Cat.... Mikey Vs. The Squirrel Tube. Duration : 2.07 Mins.

Mikey meets the squirrel that comes to get peanuts. Check out Mikey's Facebook page!

Tags: Cat, cute, kitten, squirrel, cats, kitty, kittens, dog, funny, meow, animals, pets, pet, rescue, animal, crossing, shelter, society, folk, city, stuffed, dogs, hamster, puppy, Funny Animals, Animal Crossing, Chemical, Parade, Frank, Way, Words, Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Last, Famous, Jim, Bob, Brothers, Welcome, Helena, Not, Morrison, Live, Doors, Last Words, Chemical Brothers, Cheers, Mayday Parade, Gerard Way

Why Does My Cat Bite Me Then Lick Me?

Are you trying to figure out "why my cat bites me and lick me after that"? Don't worry, your little four legged friend is not biting you out of aggression. If so, you would have bled a long time ago! Your little precious knows just the right way to control his nip so that he will not hurt you.

This behavior is normal in a cat so don't worry that your cat bites you. If you find that your cat's nip is getting to be just a bit more painful (after all, a cat's fur serves as protection so he may at times misgauge) give him a wee tap on his cheek, gently draw the bitten area away from him and say a stern "no"! Your cat will soon get the message that the bite he gave you did hut you. He will either stop this behavior or go a little gentler with you the next time.

Kittens Cats

Do you want to know another reason "why my cat bites me"? Your cat is displaying that he loves you. In other words, he is giving you cat kisses. In the event that your cat was biting you as you were petting him and you saw that his tail was twitching, then perhaps he is over stimulated and is telling you in his own way to stop.

Why Does My Cat Bite Me Then Lick Me?

However, when you cat is purring, is cuddled up close to you, and lick and then bites or bites and then licks then it may just be your cat's way of showing affection, in other words, a cat kiss. A cat's skin is tougher than ours and lacks the nerve endings that are close to our skin's surface. They don't comprehend that we do not always appreciate this method of affection. However, another cat would. You will be able to judge what kind of mood your cat is in by his tail. If you cat is in a happy mood, then look for its tail tip to flick slightly. If your cat happens to be annoyed or angry, then his whole tail from the base out will begin to move.

Why Does My Cat Bite Me Then Lick Me?

BajheeraCats - Having a Bad Day? :( - KITTIES!!! :D

BajheeraCats - Having a Bad Day? :( - KITTIES!!! :D Video Clips. Duration : 16.02 Mins.

My friend wanted to test out his new camera and get some practice recording, so I figured what better way to do so then filming some cute little kitties having a ball :D Kind of a funny little video, but it's cute enough to go ahead and share with you guys, especially if it can brighten your day a bit :) Hope you enjoy it and thanks for watching :) Music: "Super Friendly" by Kevin MacLeod

Keywords: Cute, Cats, Kittens, Kitten (Animal), Cat (Animal), Kitty, Meow, Playing, Playtime, Bajheera, bajheeracats

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Cats and Dog:Love!!!

Cats and Dog:Love!!! Tube. Duration : 5.23 Mins.

Dogs love cats. A touching story... Five months ago our cat Belle has been taken away from us by an eye cancer. When Belle died, three kittens were left alone. Niky, Marlo and Nero were in a very serious condition, since in the last days Belle was unable to feed them. So we started to take care of them and we were helped by our little dog Lilly. Lilly started to produce milk and has become a new mother for the kittens. The kittens recovered soon strength and vivacity. Now, Niky, Marlo and Nero have become (almost) cats but Lilly keeps on growing them... A true Happy Cat & Dog Family!

Keywords: funny, cat, cats, dog, dogs, kitten, kittens, touching, nature, suckling, feeding, milk, milking, love, dog&cat, marlo, niky, nero, lilly, belle, adopts, kanye, west, swift, taylor, gaga, halo, peta, pets, strange, puppies, puppy, cancer, adopting, twilight, new, moon, pattinson

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

What is a "Real" Mother?

A friend of mine posed a question to community I am part of that really caught my attention. "What is a 'real' mother?" she asked.

Seeing the word "real" juxtaposed next to the word "mother" was very thought provoking. What makes a mother a mother anyhow? Some mothers conceive, carry and give birth to their children. Some mothers are unable to to conceive, carry or give birth, yet are 100% there once a child becomes their own. Mothering is very much a feminine quality. Yet, does one need to be female to mother another being? When my 7 1/2 year old former feral gray male cat, Toss, licks and nurtures my other cats, is it really much different than when one of the female cats licks and nurtures them? And when as a 4 month old kitten, Scarlett, my Maine Coon cat, nurtured and embraced tiny 2 month old Prayer, my chocolate point Siamese cat, was there truly any difference between Scarlett's attention and Prayer's now distant mother?

Kittens Cats

I found myself going to a place of deep reflection for several days, looking at my own experience of mothering. One could say that there are maternal qualities in the healing work I do: creating a safe space, being fully present to those I work with, forming a deep, committed, long-term bond where my energies are directed towards the healing, growth and self-fulfillment of those I work with, creating a sense of trust and intimacy so that I can truly see and appreciate another person from the soul level up.... Are these not some of the qualities I also bring to my own son, though not with the limitations or boundaries of my professional role?

What is a "Real" Mother?

Did I have to have a child to be a "real" mother? Or was I always a "real" mother just waiting to fully express myself with a child? And at some level, wasn't I always carrying my son's soul and spirit in my heart, long before I met his father, became pregnant, carried him in my womb, gave birth and began my "official" journey with him in this world?

Asking the question "what is a 'real' mother" evokes all kinds of questions, thoughts and reflections. In my heart of hearts, I believe mothering is an innate capacity. It is both an innate human capacity, and an innate capacity I see in other animals as well. It is so deep and so primal, there is an archetypal energy of mothering. It is a universal, spiritual force that allows mothers of all kinds to feel a common bond. It is so deep, that many a mother animal will do anything in her power for the life of her child. If her child is hurt, ailing or threatened, a mother's deepest passion, power and protective qualities will rise up and out of her.

The mothering capacity includes the feminine energy-- being receptive, holding and containing a growing organism, be it in-utero, in arms, at home or in one's heart. Cultivating, nurturing, stewarding, nourishing-- emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, soulfully--are all part of a mother's gift to her child.

Yet many people in our culture never experience these qualities of mothering. Sadly, many mothers are wounded, and therefore frozen, blocked or undeveloped in some of these primal maternal qualities. A mother may never have received real mothering from her own mother...or anyone. So, she is unable to fully presence, nurture, hold or care for her child. One can only give what one has experienced, and therefore knows to give.

Yet in other cultures, maternal qualities need not be obtained only from one's birth mother or adoptive mother. In The Continuum Concept, author Jean Liedloff writes about the people of the Amazon rainforest where a maternal energy and knowledge pervades all who live in the indigenous culture she visited. Even young children there were knowledgeable and comfortable with the care and nurturing of babies--perhaps more so than many adults in our western world! It was because there was a deep connection that was unbroken in that culture...a deep connection with the organic unfoldment of life..a sense of the natural progression through which a baby developed.

So one would just know to hold a baby in arms until the baby gave the signal to be put down. And one carried the baby as one went about the activities of daily life, so the baby was always safe, held and in connection until the baby was ready not to be. And when the baby wanted to move forth and walk, there was the space to move forth and walk and the watchful eye of those who knew how to balance space and safe present attention.

What an experience for the maternal skills and qualities to be available in men and women, boys and girls, children and adults, family and community! Is it any wonder that children raised in this environment felt a deep, uninterrupted connection with the continuum of life? Many qualities of "real" mothering were internalized by all in that culture, and men, women, children and adults ALL had the ability to bring the qualities of real mothering forth to the next generation.

The sense of the universal mother is more deeply embraced and palpable in other non-western cultures. I had lunch with a colleague of mine who was a foster parent for Sudanese children. She described how when her kids went to gatherings with other Sudanese, there was a wonderful way the whole community would watch the kids. Their safety would be assured--not even in question. There was a way that everyone there had a sense of attention to and responsibility for each and every child, and not in the isolated, burdened, separated way westerners view parents, kids and kids in community.

Perhaps these non-western cultures have a deeper sense of Gaia, the earth goddess, and the earth energy. And with that sense of Gaia comes a connection to and respect for other beings--human and non-human.

Am I being any less of a "real" mother when I take home and care for a new kitten than a human child? Is there really much difference in the skills, qualities and essence I bring to a feral animal I wish to help become safe enough to come off the streets of life, and a human being who comes to me for sanctuary, safety, healing and acceptance?

Is being a "real" mother mostly about having an opening in the depth of the soul, so that children (and others) feel the holding, the love, the nurturing, the respect for their uniqueness of being and their organic unfolding growth process that comes from this depth of connection?

Many of us still crave this experience of "real" mothering into adulthood and throughout the course of our lives. And many of us yearn to give the energy of mothering abundantly and fluidly, just as we inhale and exhale.

Mothering and being mothered are essential, soul deep experiences at the very root of being human, of being a living, breathing organism. May we find ways to bring this primal and essential energy to ourselves and our loved ones, so that we can grow deep roots and strong branches to reach into the world, and contribute to the evolution of life and love.

What is a "Real" Mother?

Monday, 25 June 2012

A Birth Control Pill For Cats?

Apparently not many people know this, but oral contraception for cats has been around for as long as 30 years, according to some veterinarians who don't want to be quoted. However, there is a good deal of information at the web site for FeralStat, a company that produces the drug. But it's not really a pill. Anyone who has ever tried to give a tame cat a pill knows how impossible that would be with a wild one. Instead, the drug is mixed into canned food and set out at feeding stations to be sure it's ingested by all the cats.

Though not specifically used for birth control in the past, the drug has been used by vets for years to treat feline disorders. It contains progestogen, a hormone group that's been approved by the FDA for humans, according to the web site, and has more recently been found to be effective enough to provide good population control for feral cat colonies that are being properly managed. Management is key. You can't just give it to them and walk away. It has to be given repeatedly, just as people must take birth control pills on a schedule.

Kittens Cats

It's not the best option, but it's less costly and easier to administer than capturing every stray that needs it. Anyone who manages a feral colony can attest to the sometimes losing battle of getting all the cats "fixed" before the next batch of kittens is born.

A Birth Control Pill For Cats?

The best option, of course, is surgical sterilization, but that's not always possible, or affordable by the volunteer groups and individuals who come forward to help these animals. Seldom does a community ever provide this degree of humane animal control, which is why it's more a citizen-driven effort.

The idea of an oral contraceptive for wild animals is not new, either. For years, wildlife experts have used drugs to control populations such as horses and raccoons. Why not cats?

Those who have been using FeralStat for a while are pleased to note that there have been no new litters of kittens, the cats look healthier, are less aggressive, and no side effects have been reported, even for the male cats and kittens who have ingested the drug.

The biggest drawback to oral contraception for these cats is that they are not as likely to be captured and vaccinated or checked for medical problems at the same time. Still, it's a very big step in the right direction for feral population control.

A Birth Control Pill For Cats?

3 Reasons Why Home Remedies For Cat Urinary Tract Infections Are a Smart Way to Go

If you're interested in using home remedies for cat urinary tract infections, this a smart way to go. Many pet owners do not realize that this common medical problem can be treated safely, effectively and inexpensively at home. In this article you'll learn about the most effective ingredients to use to treat your cat and how to administer them safely.

Although you might be aware of why antibiotics are inferior to natural treatment for cat urinary tract infections, allow me to make a few important points. First, while antibiotics do suppress symptoms, they do not cure the conditions that caused the symptoms in the first place. This is important information. Most people assume that antibiotics are a cure, but they are not. More important still, since they do not heal the conditions that caused the urinary tract infection, your cat can end up with recurring infections.

Kittens Cats

Now, that you know why antibiotics are not the best option, let's talk about why home remedies for cat urinary tract infections are a better and healthier choice:

3 Reasons Why Home Remedies For Cat Urinary Tract Infections Are a Smart Way to Go

First, unlike antibiotics, natural remedies heal the cause of the infection at the cellular level.

Second, for cats who have are prone to urinary infection and other bladder-related issues, natural remedies can also be used for preventative care. This is especially helpful for older cats.

Third, these remedies do not have side effects and if your cat is on any other medication, you do not have to worry about negative drug interactions because there are none.

As you can see, there are many benefits to using home remedies for cat urinary tract infections. Not only will your cat get healthy and stay healthy, you won't have to worry about side effects, drug interactions, chronic infections or multiple trips to the vet.

Although natural remedies for cat urinary tract infections are a smart solution to a common problem, there are some important things you need to know. First of all, I don't recommend trying to make your own formulation. The reason is simple: you want your cat to get better before the infection spreads. If you make a home remedy that fails to heal the infection, it could spread to your cat's kidneys and suddenly, you have a life threatening infection on your hands. Second, good homeopathic remedies are very affordable. Third, you need to deliver the right ingredients in the right amounts and even big companies hire a qualified pharmacist to supervise the manufacturing process.

When looking for a good natural treatment for cat urinary tract infections, understand that some solutions are more effective than others. That's why it's good to take a recommendation from someone who has done the research or actually used the product on their cat. Look for a good company that stands behind their product and uses proven ingredients such as uva ursi and berberis. Also look for a remedy that is easy to administer because you know how cats can be about taking medicine. My favorite home remedy for cat urinary tract infections comes in granule form. It is tasteless and odorless and you just sprinkle it on your cat's food. My very finicky cat laps it up with no problems.

So there you have it: a natural, simple, effective way to heal your cat's urinary tract infection that will save you money and prevent you from having to make multiple visits to the vet.

3 Reasons Why Home Remedies For Cat Urinary Tract Infections Are a Smart Way to Go


FUNNY CAT ON ICE! Tube. Duration : 2.02 Mins.

Here is our cat Misty trying to catch fish on our pond whilst it was frozen in January 2009!

Keywords: cats, funny, funny cats, ice skating, LOL Cats, LOL, kittens, kittys

Newman's Own Organics Advanced Cat Food Formula, 4.75-Pound Bag

List Price : $24.66

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Produced without the use of herbicides, pesticides or artificial fertilizers
  • Do not contain chemical additives or preservatives

Blue Buffalo Indoor Cat Dry Food, Chicken and Brown Rice Recipe, 15-Pound Bag

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Technical Details
  • Provides the added protection of BLUE?s exclusive LifeSource® Bits, a precise blend of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Includes only the finest natural ingredients and contains NO chicken or poultry by-product meals, artificial preservatives, corn, wheat or soy.
  • A sensible alternative to a raw diet

Cat Dandruff - 3 Easy Ways To Cure Cat Dandruff At Home Without Spending A Fortune At The Vet

As a frequent visitor to pet forums, a topic that comes up way too regularly is that of cat dandruff. It's a problem that affects most of us cat owners, and if you own a cat, it's a matter of time before you have to deal with it. If you own a black cat, you have my utmost sympathies...

But fear not, there is a home remedy for cat dandruff that you can try without spending an expensive trip to the vet, just by observing the symptoms and environment and taking action based on these symptoms.

Kittens Cats

Most cat dandruff issues are invariably linked to 3 factors:

Cat Dandruff - 3 Easy Ways To Cure Cat Dandruff At Home Without Spending A Fortune At The Vet

An aged or overweight cat with dandruff on her rump or tail

If you have a cat that is overweight or a cat with sudden weight gain and dandruff on her rump and tail, it's a sure sign that she's unable to reach these areas to clean herself. This is also a problem for aged cats that lack the mobility to groom themselves.

A good brushing would help in this case and it might be a good idea to groom your cat every couple of months. If you are able to bathe your cat without getting yourself scratched too badly in the process, then it would an excellent idea to do this every couple of months. But if you do so, avoid using human shampoos as that might dry her skin further and exacerbate the condition. If you must, use a cat shampoo and remember to wash thoroughly as excess shampoo stuck on her undercoat will only make matters worse.

It's winter If your cat only experiences dandruff issues in winter, then it could be the result of the cold and dry weather. Worse of all, most cats like to laze about in the warm comforts of the fireplace, which rapidly dries her skin causing it to flake.

Simply move her away from the fireplace every once in a while and observe if the problem persists. Getting a good humidifier would be an excellent idea, both for your feline friend and also yourself (humans get dry skin too...)

My cat is neither fat nor old, and neither is it winter now! Help! Relax...if none of the above apply, just think, have you bought any new furniture lately? A new carpet perhaps? Check if there are any changes to her environment that she might be sensitive to and try to make the necessary adjustments.

If this doesn't help, then it's most likely a diet issue. You see, cats hate water and most wouldn't go near it even when they're thirsty. The only way our feline friends get their water requirement is through the moisture content of their cat food. Problem is, most of us go for cheap dry cat food that do not contain enough moisture content, hence causing her skin to dry and flake.

Make a change to high quality canned food and add some fish oil to her diet and you'll see results in no time!

Cat Dandruff - 3 Easy Ways To Cure Cat Dandruff At Home Without Spending A Fortune At The Vet

Talking Kitty Cat - A New Home

Talking Kitty Cat - A New Home Video Clips. Duration : 2.22 Mins.

TK20 - In this episode, Steve, Celia, Sylvester, Gibson and Shelby move into a new home. Again. Sylvester (The Talking Kitty Cat) seems to adjust fine, but Gibson is terrified of moving back to the old neighborhood.

Tags: talking, kitty, cat, kitten, sylvester, stevecash83, flaggle, claggle, cats, cute, kittens, chat, halloween, dog, funny, meow, sweet, pet, mountain, playing, dreams

Newborn Kittens

Newborn Kittens Video Clips. Duration : 3.53 Mins.

Four kittens (three orange boys and a grey girl), less than 12 hours old, born at the Utopia Bar/Guest house in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Serious cuteness at 2:00. "Open up Your Heart (and Let the Sunshine in)" performed by Frente!

Keywords: Cat, newborn, kitten, baby, babies, feline, cute, Utopia, Cambodia, Frente!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Elevator Mod - Womble n' Wombat EP5 [Gmod mod]

Elevator Mod - Womble n' Wombat EP5 [Gmod mod] Video Clips. Duration : 4.15 Mins.

Show how tufty you are by Tugging on your womble & then maybe leaving a like? Sub4more of dat Womble goodness ▲ Sub 2 Wombat: We decided to play a the elevator source mod for garrys mod! It was just, strange!!! LINKS: Follow me on Twitter:

Keywords: elevator, source, elevator: source, coop, co-op, mod, Elevator mod, Garrys, Garry's, commentary, walkthrough, let's, play, moddb, funny, random, floors, lift, kittens, cats, randomize, half-life, episode, garrys mod, gmod, engine, hl2, garrysmod 10, machinima, gameplay, Video, Game, High-definition, Garry's Mod Elevator, Garry's Mod Elevator Mod, thetuftywomble, deadwombattv, yt:stretch=16:9, yt:quality=high

Zanies Cat Cheese Wedge Display with 60 Rainbow Furry Mice

List Price : $31.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Authentic-looking mice provide hours of fun and exercise and they are a healthy outlet for a cats natural hunting instinct
  • Cheese wedge box contains 60 mice with real rabbit fur-covered bodies and felt noses and eyes
  • Mice rattle
  • Comes with 3-inch long, 60 rainbow furry mice
  • Measures 8-inch length by 8-inch width by 3-3/4-inch height

Oskar the Blind Cat - Mother Nature Reunion (Featuring Klaus)

Oskar the Blind Cat - Mother Nature Reunion (Featuring Klaus) Tube. Duration : 4.90 Mins.

Oskar the Blind Cat was adopted from a farm near Glenwood, Iowa, on July 11th, 2011. At that time he was eight weeks old and lived outdoors. There were many hazards and dangers outside, and this was part of the reason we adopted him. Since last July, Oskar has spent every day indoors. We taught him how to walk on a harness, and as the weather warmed up, we decided it was time to let him explore the outdoors again. This video is his first trip outside since July of last year. Oskar is joined on his adventure by his best friend Klaus. Klaus too has been a city slicker for a number of years (a well traveled one at that). He will continue to join Oskar on their weekly outdoor adventures (always supervised, always on a harness, and always away from traffic). Please visit Oskar and Klaus on Facebook: As well as on Oskar's blog: Oskar also has merchandise available for sale: [100% of the profit is used to support animal rescue groups.] Special thanks to our good friend Travis Bossard for composing the music for this video. He actually used the Oscar-Schmidt autoharp in this song that led us to Oskar! Visit his Facebook page to learn more: We would also like to extend a big THANK YOU to for their continued support of Oskar and shelter animals everywhere! Please visit them on the web: Thank you for watching! Make sure to subscribe to our channel for future videos. Filmed with ...

Keywords: oskar, blind, cat, kitten, kitty, klaus, cats, mother, nature, outdoor, flowers, harness, cute, funny, kittens, eyes, SONY, SLT-A77, Pentax, K5


KITTY CAT FASHION SHOWZEN! Tube. Duration : 2.25 Mins.

firstly id like to apologize to the germans in the audience, Secondly id like to apologize to everybody else. NOMINATE ME! Connect with me! come talk to me @ SEND ME STUFF MattG124 PO Box 24116 301 OXFORD ST W. London ON Canada N6H5C4 Join my online community! http Email me: Snuggie Cat Facebook Group Almost daily videos here!! Facebook Myspace: Twitter: Dailybooth: Stickam

Tags: funny, hilarious, video, videos, kitty, kitties, kitteh, lolcats, cat, kittens, kitten, pet, pets, animal, animals, cute, adorable, soft, cutest, germany, angry, yelling, crazy, screaming, scream, german, accent, techno, family, guy, short, shorty, award, awards, nominate, fashion, show, runway, hot, model, girl, woman, female, makeup, fashionista, lady, gaga, january, 2011, athletic, night, on, the, town, moustashe, mustache, blonde, wig, turtle, neck, sweater, suspenders, leterhozen, lederhosen, can, has, cheese, burger, icanhascheezburger, mattg124, mattg

Vetri-Lysine Plus For Cats, 120 Bite-Sized Soft Chews - 5.29 oz

List Price : $25.60

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Formula designed to supportimmune system function
  • L-Lysine is an amino acid that supports antibody, hormone and enzyme production
  • L-Lysine competes with L-Arginine, which is the amino acid required by the herpes virus to replicate

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Cat Plays Fetch with Baby

Cat Plays Fetch with Baby Video Clips. Duration : 0.77 Mins.

This toddler laughs out loud as the cat swats his ball of paper off the table.

Tags: cats, kittens, kitty, baby, babies, toddlers, kids, boys, pets, animals, ball, laughs, laughing, funny, swats, table, pettube

Here Kitty, Kitty

Here kitty, kitty, is all you need say,
if you are real lucky, they will come your way

they know your voice, your sounds,
when they, are not the only kitty around

Kittens Cats

they love to eat, groom, to play,
their favorite pastime, find a sunbeam,
sleep away the day

Here Kitty, Kitty

when they are prowling, running, jumping,
in their own little world, who knows?
maybe its catnip, maybe its squirrels

they cuddle and purr, cute little bundles of fur,
a mind of their own, fascination, and bewilderment,
abound, uncanny intelligence, reasons for keeping,
kitty around

they have a, favorite person, that one,
they love most, in appreciation,
use their favorite things, for a scratching post

stretching, yawning, time for a nap,
awaiting night, the time they naturally hunt,
slithering room to room looking for prey,
occasionally, to pounce, when their shadow
gets in the way, seldom successful,
they really do not care, they know,
you are the best hunter, they will eat well today

we love them, that is a fact, tis strange indeed,
they produce nothing of value, bring in no pay,
only their nine lives, to survive, day to day

do not bother to call them, they seldom come,
rather, take a message, get back to you later,
when their sunbeam is done

these finicky hairballs, of teeth and sharp nails,
why do we love them, bring them into our home,
these furry little creatures
with attention deficit syndrome,
say here kitty, kitty,
you will question no more

life without kitty, for even one day,
do not have to think about it,
there just, ain't, no way

here kitty, kitty

Here Kitty, Kitty

Sad cats go for car ride to get their nails groomed

Sad cats go for car ride to get their nails groomed Tube. Duration : 2.92 Mins.

Casey and Sassy need to get their nails groomed. Unfortunately, they HATE car rides. Please subscribe and spread the word about this channel!

Keywords: Sad, cats, go, for, car, ride, to, get, their, nails, groomed, clipped, scared, crying, upset, kitties, kitty, kitteh, trip, hate, meow, moaning, thoughts, on, lady, gaga, machine, gun

My Strange Addiction -Eating Cat Food and Sniffing Moth Balls

My Strange Addiction -Eating Cat Food and Sniffing Moth Balls Video Clips. Duration : 20.55 Mins.

my strange addiction season 3 addicted to eating cat food and smelling moth balls.

Tags: Moth, Organism, Classification, my, strange, addiction, season, balls, sniffing, smelling, cat, food, drinking, popcorn, eating, Bunny, Hour, Rabbit, Animal, Bug, Hamster, Bugs, Funny, Cute, Weird, Chicken, Easter, Crazy, Random, Cheese, Burger, Rush, Television Show, Vlog, Silly, Cats, Kitty, Tunes, Rabbits, Looney, Kitten, Kittens, Insect, Beetle, Happy, Hamsters, Duck, Tiny, Dwarf, Pet, Chubby Bunny, Bug (Dinosaur Jr. Album), Elmer, Cartoon, Jefferson, Rush Hour, Happy Hour, Toons, Insects, Mantis, Bugs Bunny

KITTEN in Hamster Ball stuck in the middle

KITTEN in Hamster Ball stuck in the middle Tube. Duration : 2.82 Mins.

Tom Tom gets in hamster ball while brother Monkney watches him having a ball.

Keywords: cats, kittens, pets, hamster, funny, stuck, in, the, middle, stealers, wheel, cute, kitty

The Best Way to Introduce Two Cats in the Same Household

If you have a pet cat at home then you are bound to simply fall in love with another cat or kitten because of the love and affection which you get from them. You would always want to have more cats at home to play and spend time with, but most cat owners get into a dilemma and get upset thinking as to how to introduce a new cat or kitten to another cat which is staying with them for long and is just treated like a family member.

Cats are one of the social animals who like to meet new people and love to have new friends. But exceptions are always there, as some cats tend to get violent or stressed about the coming of a new cat in the same house. So its responsibility of the cat owners to arrange a proper introduction of the pet cats at home to be sure that they do not harm each other or end up in trouble.

Kittens Cats

The simplest way is that when you adopt a new kitten or cat and brings it home, try to leave her alone and let her adapt herself to the new surroundings. The new kitten or cat is new to the place so let her get used to it and in the mean time you can try to build your trust in her.

The Best Way to Introduce Two Cats in the Same Household

You can place the new kitten or cat in a secure area like an isolated room where nobody can disturb her. A secure room should have few of the basic items like water bowl, litter box, a blanket to sleep and a hiding place.

You can swap the sleeping blanket of the new cat with the old cat every night, this way both of them would get used to each other's body scent. To make both cats comfortable to each other you can feed them together by putting food in each side of a door. They would hiss or play and even moan at each other which are normal behaviors.

When there get to know about the existence of another cat in the same house introduced both of them face to face. To make both cats smell the same you can even try to put in some baby powder in both of their fur particularly under the chin which would help them get comfortable to each other better.

You should also be prepared for a cat fights when both cats meet face to face. Put a blanket or a water bucket to break a cat fight. You need to be extra attentive and see the behavior of your old cat towards the new one. Some cats get along quicker while others may take several months to be comfortable with others. In the rarest of cases the old cat never feels comfortable with the existence of another cat at home. But I know two cats at home are always better than one, as animals also need company to play around and have fun with.

The Best Way to Introduce Two Cats in the Same Household

Friday, 22 June 2012

BIG CATS vs Laser Pointers!

BIG CATS vs Laser Pointers! Video Clips. Duration : 3.27 Mins.

Q: Do Tigers, Leopards & Lions chase laser pointers like domestic cats? Big Cat Rescue decided to find out! ... Do BIG CATS like catnip?? Check out the video! WEBSITE: FACEBOOK GOOGLE+: TWITTER: DONATE: BIG CAT SHOP: THANK YOU!

Tags: Tigers vs laser pointers, Tigers, Lions, Servals, Night, Tour, scary, scared, jump, Bobcats, Laser pointers, adorable, funny, cute, lol, laugh, omg, omg cats, Tigers chase laser pointers, catnip, cats, Big, hilarious, amazing, incredible, question, kitty, kitten, dance, cool, laser, beams, ipad, leopards, jungle, fail, fall, run, chase, attack, Chris Poole

Sneezing Cat Behavior

A sneezing cat will always put a big question mark on your head. There are so many causes to sneeze. Sometimes the causes are very minor and can be ignored while in some cases, the sneezing is caused by something very serious. This cat sickness is common and it is very likely that it will go through some sort of sneezing stage. The cause can be one or more of the following.

Sneezing cat can be caused by a herpes ailment. When it is still a kitten, the veterinarian will give them shots to combat against herpes. If it was not vaccinated in their early stages then there is a chance that they will contract the herpes and start sneezing. If you notice flare ups and breakouts with your cat then you should bring them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Kittens Cats

The sneezing can also be caused by the leukemia virus. Again, this is another ailment that has a vaccine. If they were not vaccinated when they were young then there is a chance that they will contract the illness. When the cat contracts this cat sickness, their immune system will become weak and they will keep sneezing.

Sneezing Cat Behavior

The aforementioned causes of a sneezing cat are the more serious reasons. Here are the less serious reasons for sneezing cat. Cats normally use their nose when they check out their environment. There are times where they will keep sniffing on all sorts of things that their noses will become irritated. Sometimes a cat may have inhaled something that is irritating their nasal membranes. When cats inhale pollen and dust they may sneeze a lot.

A sneezing cat may also be causes by a dental problem. If your cat has dental disease then there is a chance that the dental irritants will affect the breathing of the cat which will cause them to sneeze. If you want to find out if the sneezing cat is caused by dental problems then look at their mouth and inspect it. Usually, there will be redness, swelling, and signs of tooth decay.

There are many causes for a sneezing cat and you should be able to spot them. If you are having a hard time determining what is causing your cat to sneeze then you should bring them to their veterinarian for a check up.

Sneezing Cat Behavior

Cute Sphynx Kittens at 3 Weeks

Cute Sphynx Kittens at 3 Weeks Video Clips. Duration : 1.95 Mins.

Silly Sphynx kitten and his brothers.

Tags: cat, kitten, bald, sphynx, hairless, animals, feline, cute, angel, cattery

Scottish Fold Cat Being Cute!

Scottish Fold Cat Being Cute! Video Clips. Duration : 0.82 Mins.

Cat wanting attention

Tags: Pat, the, cat, youtube, kitty, kitten, petting, Kittens, Funny, Cute, Cats, demands petting, Scottish, Fold, loves, being, spoiled, lovey, Humour, attention, wants, Kitty Pryde, Meow, affectionate, Pat the cat, Kat, kittie

The Ultimate Evil

The Ultimate Evil Video Clips. Duration : 2.55 Mins.

Those little bastards drowned goddammit! Are you happy now? ARE YOU!? Oh, and be sure to share this video with someone you love.

Keywords: atheist, comedy, cartoon, animation, god, evil, christianity, judaism, noah, world, flood, islam, cute, kittens, killed, puppies, cats, dogs, YEC, young, earth, creationists, creationism, bible, jesus

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Medal of Honor Cat

Medal of Honor Cat Video Clips. Duration : 1.52 Mins.

Tweet it! Facebook it! A cat wins the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions in the line of duty. We did not hurt any cats in the making of this video. One cat named Danny became incredibly well fed, though! --- 2nd Channel! Twitter! Facebook! Website!

Tags: cat, medal, of, honor, costume, trained, kitty, cats, feline, mounted, gun, covering, fire, action, scene, vfx, explosion, gunshot, freddiew2, freddy, freddiyw, kitten, cute, kittens, dog, funny, meow, after, effects, video game, adobe, weapons, widescreen, Effect, After Effects

Nintendogs + Cats - Nintendo 3DS - Trailer

Nintendogs + Cats - Nintendo 3DS - Trailer Tube. Duration : 2.75 Mins. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Contact Us: Newsletter: Take a look inside Nintendo 3DS. Nintendogs are back in the palm of your hand in 3D, with even cuter puppies and now, kittens! Using the built-in Nintendo 3DS camera and facial-recognition technology, your puppies and kittens to react to real-life movements, even jumping up to lick you as you lean in. Take pictures of your puppies and kittens in-game, and share them—or with the Nintendo 3DS augmented-reality feature, watch your puppy play on your own dining room table!

Keywords: Nintendo, 3DS, 3D, new, Nintendogs, Cats, game, trailer, launch, video, software, puppies, puppy, kitty, kittens, cute, camera, facial-recognition, technology, pictures, in-game, share, augmented-reality, play, gaming, handheld console, video game, augmented reality, virtual reality, cat, kitten, pet, pets, frisbee, boomerang

Blue Buffalo Wilderness Grain Free Dry Cat Food, Duck Recipe, 11-Pound Bag

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Technical Details
  • Provides the added protection of BLUE?s exclusive LifeSource® Bits, a precise blend of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Includes only the finest natural ingredients and contains NO chicken or poultry by-product meals, artificial preservatives, corn, wheat or soy.
  • A sensible alternative to a raw diet

Mission Impossible Dog Makes Miraculous Escape

Mission Impossible Dog Makes Miraculous Escape Tube. Duration : 1.10 Mins.

A dog scales aa huge fence by climbing up a tree. For more hilarious pet videos check out ‪‬ Follow Petsami on Twitter ‪http Become a fan of Petsami on Facebook Check out these great deals on Frontline Products from Petsami: For Your Dogs: For Your Cats:

Keywords: dog, dogs, cat, cats, puppies, puppy, kittens, mission, impossible, animal, kitty, pets, petsami, epic, cute, win, fail, good, morning, america, gma, ellen, show, movie, trailer, teaser, incredible, climbing, barking, biting, bites, human, lol, cheezburger, kitten, playing, attack, attacking

Are Two Cats Better Than One?

Cats make wonderful pets and companions and the joy and love they can bring to a household is beyond measure. But when you are first considering sharing your home with a new cat you may ask yourself - Are two cats better than one?

Certainly there are advantages to owning a solitary pet. Your new kitten will be the center of attraction in the family and will happily receive the benefit of your undivided attention. The fun and games that your children will be able to enjoy on a one-to-one basis will be satisfying in the extreme. Also, the expense of owning a single, new pet will be kept to a minimum. The cost of food, bedding, cat litter, toys and vet's bills will be more easily absorbed into the family budget than would otherwise be the case and as there will be no need for your pet to share, the opportunity for inter-cat conflict simply won't arise.

Kittens Cats

But what about the happiness of your new cat? Will living a solitary life be the kindest option? Wouldn't having a companion to share life with be better for your pet's emotional well-being?

Are Two Cats Better Than One?

Briefly, the benefits of owning two cats are:

  • Companionship for each other - particularly if you are out at work all day.
  • Cats enjoy the social aspects of being together. Feral cats naturally live in groups and are comfortable with group hierarchy.
  • Giving a home to litter-mates is the easiest route to take.
  • Double the pleasure for you!

Naturally, you must consider the other side of the coin. The possible disadvantages of owning more than one cat are:

  • Increased costs in the form of food, medical bills, boarding fees.
  • Although cats are sociable animals, not every cat lives comfortably with a companion. Some prefer a solitary life.
  • Behavioral problems are more likely in a multi-cat household.
  • Your pets may be more content to spend time with each other than with you.

Once you have considered the pros and cons of single or double cat ownership and made your choice, make sure that you look at a number of cats or kittens needing a home. By doing this - and not just falling in love with the first fluffy animal you see - you will begin to develop a good idea of the different character types available.

Armed with this knowledge, you will be better equipped to select a single cat whose personality will suit your family or two cats that are likely to live in harmony together.

Whatever you choice - enjoy the love and affection of your new family members!

Are Two Cats Better Than One?